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Hardcore RP and Immersion Playthroughs


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Hello guys, I'm sure you all know Gopher who is an achieved modder and a great youtuber. I really enjoy Gopher's videos, I like the fact that he emphasizes on the RP and Immersion element but right now I need something even more hardcore. Is there a YouTuber or a Twitch streamer who runs some extremely serious RP/Immersion playthroughs? Thanks.

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I enjoy Zemalf's "lets roleplays" a lot. He and Gopher are my favorite Skyrim Youtubers.



However, in my opinion, he also has the same "problem" Gopher has when he roleplays ( hence on "in my opinion' ... since there's no absolute "right way to roleplay", after all).


The problem I'm talking about is the colossal bag of holdings they have.


1) You can't carry 20 carrots, 2 pies, 3 cheese rolls and 5 bottles of water with you. Maybe on your horse... but not on you.

2) You can't carry 2 bows, 1 sword, 1 mace, 1 shield as "quick-use weapons" with yourself

3) You shouldn't be able to loot too many weapons, armors, potions, etc.

4) You shouldn't be able to carry 150 lockpicks....
5) Arrows should be a limited resource... this would force you to melee more... Carry 100 arrows, is already unrealistic, but it would be a nice balance between realism and non-game-breaking challenge.
The list goes on.
The game would be unbelievable hard with these rules? Yes....
But I'd rather watch it with these rules under a lower difficulty, than watch a legendary lets play without these.
But still, I just want to make clear that I love to watch the let's plays of these 2.
Tl;dr: Try out Zemalf
Edited by Sucrilhus
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Gopher is also a hypocrite because he touts realism, then demands mods that make things even more UNREALISTIC just for his convenience... Yet nobody calls him out on this?


He also caters to a lot of younger viewers who are impressed with his knowledge about how to install mods. It's not rocket science folks, but he's capitalized on people's ignorance and made a name for himself. I'm not discounting his passion, or ability to mod the game, or make videos. I just don't like the fact what he does is not that revolutionary, but people fawn all over him like the Second Coming. I


FYI, I can make these statements because I used to have a YT channel for simulation franchise that catered to a truly hardcore crowd... Flight Simulation.... So, I guess the difference was the audience I had was a lot more mature (chronologically; Flight Simmers are 30-50+) and not as easily impressed with simple modding and being able to run a game correctly?

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Gopher is also a hypocrite because he touts realism, then demands mods that make things even more UNREALISTIC just for his convenience... Yet nobody calls him out on this?


He also caters to a lot of younger viewers who are impressed with his knowledge about how to install mods. It's not rocket science folks, but he's capitalized on people's ignorance and made a name for himself. I'm not discounting his passion, or ability to mod the game, or make videos. I just don't like the fact what he does is not that revolutionary, but people fawn all over him like the Second Coming. I


FYI, I can make these statements because I used to have a YT channel for simulation franchise that catered to a truly hardcore crowd... Flight Simulation.... So, I guess the difference was the audience I had was a lot more mature (chronologically; Flight Simmers are 30-50+) and not as easily impressed with simple modding and being able to run a game correctly?

well if you want extreme realism just grab a bow and run around the wilds chasing some deer

its His game why would any of us call him out for saying he needs a mod(imo is actually trolling)

i agree modding is very simple but most newcomers dont have any knowledge about it(you can see it by the number of comments people make in mods that mod its now working bla bla bla i mean they dont even read the description..)

atm i dont have a gaming gpu so im watching is videos and i like the fact that he doesnt only test but it also makes me face palm every 5min...

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Okay.. this just got weird. Let me just get this straight:

- You insult Gopher

- Because he plays a fantasy game as he wants

- Because he doesn't play it as you want

- Because he helps out others

- Because he shows basic knowledge in a systematically, and orderly, fashion

- Because his videos are of quality

- Because he is actually a modder that shows how to install mods cleanly, not randomgamerxx24 who uses mods, but never made one.


Am I getting this right?


I just don't like the fact what he does is not that revolutionary


That, my friend, is how the world works.

Majority of the people out there made a name for themself doing things that are not new, or super exciting, but they did it in such a way it becomes good. As for Gopher, he is:

- Calm

- Got a good voice

- Is not biased

-Got knowledge of what he speaks of

- Modder, so he knows the underlying mechanics behind things

- He does thing systematically and orderly. Take the modding videos: He starts at the basic, he gets a base of mods and then he starts moving on.


Give the man some respect. He is one of the youtuber you simply get in a good mood from watching.




Now, to address the issue here, leaving my bias opinion behind: Going TOO hardcore is something you will not find youtube videos about. For the simple reason hardcore = Hard/Slow/throughout. And the majority of people does not want to watch any of that.

People in general does not want to see a guy spending 1h+ walking over a mountain, where he dies in the end due to freezing. Stuff like that you can see in movies. Or see the person leaving all loot on the floor, because he can't carry anything. SInce, you know, a 2 hander, a full set of armor and a potion is about all you could pysically carry. Or to know he can only use his bow for 12 arrows, then it's out of juice.

The majority would not want to watch that! No, people want to see action, they want to have fun.


So, getting more hardcore than Gopher is not easy. I don't even know of anybody.

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Actually, I think Gopher is full of himself at this point, to be blunt. I don't have to give him respect just because you and others think he deserves it. I'm not trolling, I have a right to that opinion AND I have the experience of being a modder and YT producer, so I am not just talking out of my arse to get a rise out of people. It's hard work, but like I said, it's nothing anybody couldn't do if they took the time to learn how things work... Which of course, is why he is so popular. He takes simple things and makes them "extraordinary" for those who aren't that tech savvy.


Let's be clear. I never stated I hate him... I don't even know him... Nor that I don't appreciate what he does. It's just that he often contradicts himself in a lot of ways and some of his play throughs aren't that creative. That's my opinion, I am entitled too it and I will not apologize for it even on the Nexus.

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As for Gopher, he is:

- Calm

- Got a good voice

- Is not biased

-Got knowledge of what he speaks of

- Modder, so he knows the underlying mechanics behind things

- He does thing systematically and orderly. Take the modding videos: He starts at the basic, he gets a base of mods and then he starts moving on.


Let's not forget also how he is incredibly active with his subscribers. We comment something, he responds in a matter of a day or less.
Being active, knowing what he's talking about, organized and having that AMAZING voice of his, make his skyrim videos something pretty unique.


Going TOO hardcore is something you will not find youtube videos about. For the simple reason hardcore = Hard/Slow/throughout. (...) (...)

The majority would not want to watch that! No, people want to see action, they want to have fun.


So, getting more hardcore than Gopher is not easy. I don't even know of anybody.


Key on "majority", though.


There may be a random channel, hidden out there... with less than 500 subscribers, where the poster does this "hard/slow/throughout" playing.

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Actually, I think Gopher is full of himself at this point, to be blunt. I don't have to give him respect just because you and others think he deserves it. I'm not trolling, I have a right to that opinion


You have the right to your opinion.

Does not give you the right to say it out loud behind his back.

That is disrespectful, no matter who it is.


AND I have the experience of being a modder and YT producer, so I am not just talking out of my arse to get a rise out of people


Nothing said in any posts here demands you needs experience in anything.

Good for you! Still doesn't change anything.


It's hard work, but like I said, it's nothing anybody couldn't do if they took the time to learn how things work.


Just about anybody could become a millonaire. As long as they took the time to earn how, and were devoted to it.

How come so few have?

Yes, people could find all the information they want themself. heck, why go to school? It's all on the internet.

But you know what? It's easier.

And Gopher does a good job with it too. You can't question the quality of the video, and his sooth voice.


Let's be clear. I never stated I hate him... I don't even know him... Nor that I don't appreciate what he does. It's just that he often contradicts himself in a lot of ways and some of his play throughs aren't that creative. That's my opinion, I am entitled too it and I will not apologize for it even on the Nexus.


First off, I am not sure why you feel the need to defend your opinions. I have never tried to change them. They are yours, and I don't want them. I got plenty of my own.


Secondly, I never questioned your attitude towards him. I don't think you hate him, just feel it is rather unfair to disrespect him, and then go all defensive about your opinion.


No, you do not need to be respective of Gopher, or anybody you do not know. However, it is a wise thing to be.


So yeah, you do not need to defend your opinion. But you could be a little more careful how you talk about people you do not know. It's simply not nice acting up for no reason.

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Actually, I think Gopher is full of himself at this point, to be blunt. I don't have to give him respect just because you and others think he deserves it. I'm not trolling, I have a right to that opinion


You have the right to your opinion.

Does not give you the right to say it out loud behind his back.

That is disrespectful, no matter who it is.



Gopher IS a public person when the topic os Skyrim though...


So people are BOUND to talk behind his back.


If someone like MedivalGuy says he doesn't like Gopher's materials, he isn't doing anything wrong... He's just expressing his opinion about a public person.


Just like you can say bad things about Obama's government without he needing to be in the same room.

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You bring up a good point about getting too hardcore in play throughs because then it's not as fun, or exciting to watch. That's a very astute observation.


We have to remember this is a game and even though there are a million ways to play it, there are certain limitations not even the hardest of the so-called hardcore would put up with like... Your player character having to relieve themselves every so often (I am surprised nobody has come up with a mod for this yet - LOL!). I can't imagine any game including such a feature, but then again, that's what game design is all about and I am sure somebody will put this feature in some game, somewhere down the line and I applaud them for their daring if they do ;)

Edited by MidevalGuy
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