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Dual Wield, or just Style


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Okay, I know It's hard to make a dual wielding animation but I think it is possible.

I mean It looks cool and kick ass! LIKE WOAH! MAN!


Here is an eye candy for dual wield (Sydney's SMG) :





Or If you think it will never happen...then maybe this can happen?

You can holster 2 weapons in your back/hips (if pistols and etc.. are implemented)





Maaaan, I'm mad trippin' but THIS IS AWESOME!!



Oh and Credits to the Helpers and Makers of T3T Weapon Tweaks, for I have used the Occam's Razor as an example.



Nexus Kingdom

My Computer


And everything else that I have not mentioned.

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thank you i've posted a question on how to do this and was told it can't be done



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Actually, with current fose, it is not possible to do.


1) you cannot add new shooting animations, or holding animations, or reload animations, or aim animations, or putting away/drawing animations, only replace (meaning you'll screw something in the process of adding the dual wield).


2) you cannot have 2 "firing nodes". The game will only recognize 1, and will only shoot from 1. Meaning muzzle flash and bullets will only come from the first firing node found. The only way to bypass this is to change the model in real time after each shot, this would be very resource heavy for machineguns, and it cannot be done with current fose.


The only dual wielding currently possible without screwing anything, is dual melee weapons with a shape and grip that would look good with h2h fist animations.

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Cool, I understand!

I mean, I don't mean to whine and be pushy. (Knowing that I know nothing in anmation and scripts.)


Haha, maybe just an Idea. IF we ever get to have a really RAD FOSE. hehe

And you say it like there is a hope. +1 For You!



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OBSE had a function to switch models in real time, which was rather sweet. This could be used to switch between:

2 guns, right firing node, and 2 guns, left firing node.

This however is only practical if your guns don't chew 100 bullets in a second each.


The animations however is far harder to add without screwing something, even OBSE lacked this capability. So unless beth decides to grace us with the ability to add new reload/fire animations...

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I just realized something..


If the motorcycle could hold 2 Miniguns.

Why cant the character can?


I mean it doesnt have to have the character and all sorts of things right..


I mean, why not try reaching the goal of having 2 firearms first? then worry about ammo and all.

Which is quite trippy. But I think it is worth the shot.


And A small step comes a long way in modding. :D ...and probably more bugs and glitches.




Oh and unless your outside of the box and you LIVE outside of the box, maybe you can have 2 Floating fire arms which makes your character more awesome!

Which could make you go: "DUDE! THAT GUY CAN FLOAT 2 WEAPONS AND FIRE WITHOUT HOLDING IT!" hahahaha! *Plays the Twilight Zone theme*

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I think because the miniguns are considered actors or something, thus actually not the character using them. I don't really remember...
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