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Successfully merging two House-Mods?


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Hello there!


So, I found a fantastic mod containing a Player Home that just seemed a perfect change to my current one, that I've used since the release of the game basicly.

But during the time I used the current house I've made some improvements to it that I have a really hard time separating from. So my primary thought was to just merge the two .esp's together and copy all of the previous work into the new mod. Maybe add some new details aswell. Strictly for personal use though.

But this is where the problem begins.

As ususal, all items from the original Skyrim Data Library copies as it should, but the problem is all the customized items.

Such as newly created Items/statics using custom-models.


So all I need is for the new Mod to use the same Data Library as the previous one and since I've merged mods before I thought it would be a simple solution. But it wasn't.

First I tried to merge via TESVGecko but that program doesn't seem supported anymore and would crash on startup, so instead I tried a newly released merging script from "Matortheeternal" using TES5Edit.

But apparently It had a hard time merging cells and the process presented errors eventually making the merged file inoperable.


I the nstumbled over some old post on a forum where the writer told just to load up both mods in CK without any of them as active, do all the changes the cell and save as a new .esp.

Then simply load it later in the loadorder than the two mods it depended on.

I tried this also, but no luck.


So I'm back where I started. My question is basicly: Is this even possible without having to copy-recreate every single Item unto the new mod via CK?

Possibly any way to extract the Data-Library and make the new Mod use it?


Any answers would be appreciated!


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Good question. I suggest using a "Deep copy override" method, just google it. However, keep in mind, you may run into some issues, two items being in exactly the same place, or roughly the same coordinate can cause Z-fighting issues and havok issues. However, if you know where things are, you should be alright. You may have to do a tedious recopy though if this fails!



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