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Changing Special Songs


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Is there an easy way of changing these, just like it is when you add music to any of the other folders? Or is it just something like renaming the music file. Cause I'd rather be safe than sorry and ask on here first.
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My understanding is that you leave the Special folder alone.

Having said that, you may still wish to experiment.

Back up the Death file and add a new one with the same name, but make sure it is the same size file.

I reckon that should trick the game.

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I recomend saving the origional music files- put them someplace safe, or just put them into a new folder called origional music(very clever, right?) Then you can rename any mp3 that you want in any music folder,using the origional file names. I have added to the dungeon file some of the Pirates of the Carribbean soundtrack- it works very well. :thumbsup:
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