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X-box mods for morrowind

Guest Guest_Nirvana

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Guest Guest_Nirvana

Sorry didn't want to post this on the other one because it was one page 25 and It wouldn't get read. Read the whole thing or you'll screw it up. You can also play the X-box games on the PC with this. personally I'd go out and buy the PC version its a hell of alot cheaper. You can also do these steps to back up your X-box games


There are mods for the Xbox But for 1. Its Illegall (but only If they catch ya) 2. its dead Expensive 3. Its Difficult But you can do it. 4. you can mess your X-box up


First You Need a PC or a MAC with a CD-R and mayby DVD-R dipends what kind of disk Morrowind is on.


Second You Need burning CD's or DVD's.


Third You'll need to by some Mod Chips these two work

Xecuter2 Pro v2.2 Plus

Has a parallel interface so you can flash the BIOS directly with your PC. The Pro lacks a BIOS and needs to be manually flashed before using.

Xecuter2 Lite v2.2 Plus

I prefer the Lite chip because it's pre-flashed.

http://www.xbox-scene.com go here to buy them


Now I Know You Don't belive me Right

It's the most powerful computer you can purchase for $199. Under the hood, the Xbox is equipped with a 733-MHz Intel Pentium III processor, an Nvidia graphics subsystem, hard drive, Ethernet, and four USB ports.


Four If You bought the Xecuter chips you don't have to Solder It on but If You bought Another one It will work Just you have to Solder and their is a likely chance you Solder where you wasn't shupposed to and fry your X-box and you lost 200 dollors. I don't personally know any others except the Xecuter chips If you Bought the Xecuter chips all you have to do is screw it on the Xbox CPU and it will over ride it. to test if you did it right you plug it in and turn it on you should see the Xecuter Logo where the X-box logo Used to be.


Fifth Now its easy from here on out. If you have a Mac you get this program called 'Xbox Backup' now isn't that original for Pc there are millions to get them go to http://www.xbox-scene.com/


sixth you burn them like a cd or DVD then add the mods the you get an Emulator which for those who don't know what it is is it converts what ever system you own from the Atari 2600-Gamecube a great site for this is http://www.edgeemu.com I got my Super nintendo games of of here so Support them Emulators are also illegal only If you don't own the game. the cool thing about this is you can back your games up


7th. Now you Can play them on the PC with the Emulator. then you can tweak the game to add the mods then you burn the mods to the game.


If you read all the steps I'm surrprissed I would have left after seeing how long it is.


8th go to this site for further help

http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/howto/s...24330,3420925,0 0.html


the site is a lot more help then I could ever be.



Good luck!!

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