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As of today's date, November 15th, 2013, the mec ability description when picking electro pulse for a paladin tier upgrade is mislabeled to indicate that it stuns organics and damages robotics.


Upon using it in combat when surrounded by some mutons who's rank I no longer recall, I didn't receive a bunch of sleepy mutons as advertised, but a bunch of dead ones. I can see why, from a gameplay standpoint, this would not have stunned them, as that would have netted me some serious plasma level artillery, however the issue remains, I chose the ability for this paladin for the purpose of stunning a passel of grouchy aliens and getting revenge for all of those anal probes.


Some things I might like to see come of this request:

The ability does damage to all targets in range, but stuns instead of killing when health would be depleted by it.


The ability overloads weapons, forcing them to be reloaded before fired.


Organics in range suffer an effect similar to strangulation called fibrillation.

Edited by Jeffman12
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...revenge for all of those anal probes.


That's the funniest thing I've read all day, and I was on reddit for a *gang* of time :D


Thanks for the intel, debating on this choice with my first T3 MEC.


Also, those are some cool suggestions, I would post those in the mod forums - hopefully the MEC abilities are moddable in the way that the soldier's abilities are.



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