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Place your orders


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Have you ever been searching for that one item, the last one on the ingredient list only to go traipsing around all the 9 holds to find out no one carries it!? Well no more! I think it about time Skyrim got with the picture and gets itself a mail order system. I was thinking that the main miscellaneous merchants like Belethor could have a dialogue option which allows you to pay a slightly raised fee for the item/items that you want and then several hours later the courier would approach you and give you the item/items you ordered. I think a catalog would be a neat way of implementing the item codes for all the items, like a potions or a weapons catalog.

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I think this would be a great idea. I remember when I need to find armors or weapons but could never find them in ANY dungeons. being able to order them would be awesome!

But what if stores could do this sort of thing too? Pay ahead of time and then come back later to get it?

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