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No magic, medicine, and others


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As part of a wound system magic or at least restoration and healing potions need to be disabled.

Healing potions that accelerate regen rate are ok, but the work very slow, a normal wound need 3 days, 1 with the potion. No more that one potion per day, drink extra is useless/dangerous.

Chop arms and legs. Player and NPC. Possible fix with dwemer tech, but cost lots coins. People around with dwemer part (rich ppl) and some poor ppl around without legs/arms/eye (poors, beggars, ex-soldier, etc.)

Zombie or undead creation through "science", frankenstein style. You need lab or access to one. The monster need parts. Powerful monster are hard to control. Even the weak ones are a good bodyguard, control limit with speech perk maybe.

Carts Daggerfall style. I dont understand why nobody did that before, in FNV are empty carts everywhere and in Skyrim too. Max. 2 horses, extra weight 500 x horse. You can move the cart yourself (basic) 250 + 1 horse 750 + last horse 1.250.

Rebuild one cabin in Winterhold with HF system. Cheap building, maybe a quest reward.

Well, I know the wounding system is hard to make, especially if you want to make NPC suffer wounds too. There are mods around trying to do the same (and fail, in my opinion).

Chop as visual not hard, but I assume disable a leg or a arm to a NPC cant be a script pain.

I know the engine as is limits. But there are some modder mages that do incredible things.
Sorry my english, I explain the best I can.


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  • 1 year later...

I now this Thread is old,but I think it would be interesting to at least have a Potion/Medicine/Medic System,where normal health regen is disabled and Potions start it up for a time and certain speed,different kinds of Medicine do different stuff (maybe tie it in to Alchemy) and you could see a Medic to cure it for you

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Yes Fenryr, I already try one of the kuertee mods, Useful Potions, but its a bit unbalanced, I uninstall that one yesterday. Right now I find a very good one that add need to companions too and nasty diseases.

Month ago I try Locational Damage, and the intention of the mod is great but as lot of bugs.

Finally I decide Skyrim as too many ways to easy heal and go back to Fallout 3 for survival purposes.

Right now I use: Frostfall , INeed and kuertee battle fatigue and injuries. If only I can change all restoration magic and made it more like the one you see in Kynareth temple...

Sorry my english.

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