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Does anyone know how to make a new creature for summoning? For instance, if I wanted to summon say, a mudcrab or something, can you make a new spell/spell effect for summoning that creature?


I've been toying around with the CS for a while now, and I can't seem to figure out how the game recognizes summoned creatures (and manipulating that would be the way to create new ones, I would think). Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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If thear whear a way to add a script to a spell you could do that , but I've tryed that before and couldent get it. sarry.


on a relatid topic, whats sEffectsummenCreatcher.

Thanks... wonder if you can add scripts to spells. Hm. Oh, well, I can;t really script anyway, hehe.


I also played around with sEffectsummonCreature, but in magic effects, it comes up as a blank slate. I tryed to give it properties like other summon spells, but I didn't know how to summon the particular creature I wanted it to. Oh well. If anyone else has any ideas, please post. Thank you.

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you can indeed do this with scripting.


there's a few ways that you might wanna consider... i mean, it's not the same as a 'normal' spell, but with a few lines of script (something like this maybe? it's been ages since i scripted morrowind so excuse the mistakes plz)


float mana

Set mana to ( Player->GetMagicka )
if ( mana > 5 )
 PlaceAtPC, mudcrab, 1, 200, 0
 PlaySound "Thunder0"
 Player->ModCurrentMagicka, -5
 MessageBox "You have summoned a mudcrab. well done."
 MessageBox "You do not have enough magicka"


when that bit of code is run, you should get a mudcrab at your feet and 5 points of magicka deducted. how to run it is another question. easiest way is some 'magic ring' or whatever.


i can't remember rightly if it's GetMagicka or GetCurrentMagicka, you may wanna look it up. i don't have the CS with me atm.



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Hears one way, but it's kinda slopy.


make a spell with no afects on it but with a duraten on self. this gives you a spell ID. Then run a globel script that with sothing like this


if (GetSpellEffect , SpellID == 1 )

"Neko's script"


This should triger the sumening when the spell is cast.


THE BAD PART IS... globel scripts run every frame, so if you want to have a lot of spechial sumening spells it will REALLY slow down the game.


Its not as nice but your best of with a ring like Neko sugjested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would suggest NOT running it as a global, for the reasons mentioned. Actual summonings are hard-coded, and cannot be dulpicated. Neko has the right idea, it just needs some touching up. It doesn't have to be a ring, it can be anything the player can carry that can have a script attached.


One other way is to have the item force a spell on the player when it is equipped (requires Trib). This spell doesn't have to do anything, and if set as an ability it will not show up on the screen (ie, you can use it as a trigger).

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