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Mod textures not working after reinstall

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Hello all, I'm having some trouble with my installation of Fallout 3. I recently reinstalled to get the Fakepatch with v1.0.0.15, but now it seems like all the textures added by mods are screwed up - my Blackwolf backpack changes textures every few seconds, as does Dogmeat (after installing the Dogmeat Leather Armor mod), and the icons for items added by mods show up as a "Pipboy OS error" on my Pipboy. Mods appear to be functioning fine - for example, Weapon Mod Kits function perfectly, but only because it doesn't add new textures. Everything worked fine before the reinstall.


I'm currently using v1.0.0.15 + Fake Patch + Unofficial Patch. Here's my load order:

[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] FakePatch_v1.4.0.6.ESM

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp

[X] The Pitt Crash Fix.esp

[X] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp

[ ] RemapWaterType.esp

[X] RRR+ANCH+PITT 1.0.esp

[X] Amplified Critical Effects v2.0b.esp

[X] Survival Perk Pack 2.0b.esp

[X] Dogmeat Leather Armor v1.6 - no crafting.esp

[X] WeaponModKits v1.1.4.esp

[X] FollowersRelax.esp

[X] Cliff's_Sellable_Body_Parts v1.0.esp

[X] Slower Degradation (-80%).esp

[X] SniperZooming v1.2.esp

[X] Accurate Sniper Rifles.esp

[X] Burnification v0.2.esp

[X] Deputy Weld and Steel - Badges and Hats.esp

[X] RD_Vault77Puppet.esp

[X] SunGlassesFX.esp

[X] Neunens Axes v2b.esp

[X] NightvisionGoggles(Powered).esp

[X] Implants v1.1.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp

[X] CivilDefenseBroadcastSystem.esp

[X] GalaxyNewsRadio60[M].esp

[X] mutantradio.esp


Thanks for your help!

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Whoops, spoke too soon. It looks like some of my official DLC stuff isn't working. The Chinese Stealth Suit shows up fine in-game, but the rail-car to the Pitt isn't there, and neither is Ashur's Power Armor - they show up as big red diamonds with exclamation marks in them.


EDIT: Looks like Operation Anchorage is working fine, but the Pitt isn't. Curious.


EDIT: Fixed! I hadn't renamed Archive Invalidation Invalidated, so my list was over 255 characters. Mods, could you please close this thread?

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I have read this post and I realized I am having a similar issue. I have downloaded a few weapon mods, however when in game I can only briefly see the true texture once in a blue moon, the rest of the time they are black (3rd person) or flickering bright white (1st person). I know just enough about all that stuff to install mods correctly, but I am no expert by any means, could you please clarify how you solved your problem? Would really appreciate the response :smile:

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I know just enough about all that stuff to install mods correctly.


You obviously dont. :rolleyes:


There's archiveinvalidation invalidated!. Download it off the nexus. You want it, you need it.


You want textures set to large on the options.


If using, you want little boy, and you want to carefully read the instructions of fakepatch regarding the ini editting part.


You also want to make sure you're putting the textures and meshes where they should be.

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