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Amazon warrior CRESCENT SHIELD


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Good day,


Many players portraits Amazon warriors but, as not anyone knows, Amazon Warriors were known for their crescent shield.


For this I'd like to request a crescent shield, differently from the one in a mod, that is crescent toward left, but a shield crescent toward upper side.


I think that would be enough even a reshaped hide/studded/iron shield... , as those materials better melts with the Skyrim ambient.


I thank anyone who could provide such marvellous shield.

Thank you.


(Sample images)




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You could rotate the orcish one if you find nothing. Download NifSkope, open the shields .nif file (should be located somewhere in Skyrim\data\meshes\...check out the .rar of the downloaded mod to understand the file structure) and click on the 3D model on the right side. Now the shields NiTriShape is marked on the left side, down below in the block detail window you find a line Rotation...just change the value to 180, translation values to change position if desired and save, done. Would do it myself but no access to my desktop for a few days.
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