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Take Over a City


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So, when I've played Skyrim, I've often run into this situation:

Alright, I am an all powerful necromancer with legions of undead at my disposal, I have the power to destroy the world if I really wanted to, but what can I do with it? I can, randomly slaughter non-essential NPCs I find, but, what's the point? There is none. I am all powerful, but that power is useless.

I propose a solution to this issue. I am thinking of a mod that would allow me to lead an assault on a city, attack the ruling body, and take over. Perhaps then I would have to continue to defend my property after seizing control, whether by hiring armies, making armies as a necromancer, or just using my raw power to destroy any who oppose me.


I would think it could work like this. Use the scripts from things such as the battle of whiterun/solitude/windhelm for the attack/defense situations, and set it up so that if you can fight your way to the palace and force the Jarl to surrender, you gain control of the city. Once in control, the city could fall under attack periodically by others attempting to liberate it from your rule, and you would be forced to either defend the city yourself, or hire armies to defend your city.



I think this would be a very fun mod, anyone up for trying to craft it?

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Well, I would love a mod like that too. But "hiring" an army didn't sound too good. Making an army using the city's guard sounds better. Also player should receive a huge income as long as he keeps the city under his control. And there should be optionals like, gaining the trust of the fellow citizens, so that should increase the income and speed up the production of the guard army.

Would be cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I stated "Hiring" and army, what I had in mind was using the taxpayer septims (the player's income you describe) to hire, train, and outfit the guards of the city (there is no man, mer, or beastfolk who will do something for free). That way, different characters could handle things differently. For example, my Necromancer could keep all the tax money for himself, and just use undead armies to defend. My merchant character would do no fighting himself, so would use a large amount of tax money on armies. And my warrior, mage, and archer characters could hire smaller armies and do some fighting themselves. I do like the idea of gaining the trust of the citizens though.

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