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REQ To make EXALT weapons stronger


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Two options for this mod, and i'd greatly appreciate anyone who can put this together. I don't have the knowledge, but i've tried to learn, its just confusing.


One, make EXALT weapons stronger, as strong as the Plasma weapons if ya could. It would make the EXALT missions less of a cakewalk and tougher to complete.


Or, Two, make EXALT weapons stronger, for the player. And allow unlimited stock of them at the base.




I want this because, i hate using laser and plasma weapons, i'd much prefer conventional weapons, but they're so weak. And EXALT weapons look SICK! But they suck.

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Just simple editing of the DGC within the EW EXE using Resource Hacker, available on this site, is all that is required. All of the relevant lines start with EXALT, find the idamage= part, and change numbers. Apart from creating entirely new weapons (which currently isn't possible, to my knowledge) if you increase the weapons' strengths, it will function for both you AND the EXALT. If you can tolerate getting shot at with more powerful weapons, just change the lines you want and go.


As for allowing unlimited stock in the base, I really have no idea how that's possible. Or even making the craftable, either.


I do agree, the EXALT weapons look pimp. It's really a shame that they aren't any good.

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It is fairly easy, even with the most basic knowledge to do this. I have little to no modding knowledge what-so-ever (although I have a bit of code writing know how), and I've just done this exact thing. If I can find out how to manage to get it out to you AND work in your INI, I'll do so.


Personally, I had to Hex-Edit to get my INI settings to work and that was a stressful trial and error process my friend. I'll let you know soon if I can help you out in any way.

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