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types of snow travel request(skiing, dog sled, dwemer snowmobile)


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I was thinking that with the new skyrim winter season mod there might be a need for having different types of travel that are adapted to winter. I had three ideas:


1)Having a mod that lets a person have skis and poles with a new animation would be cool. It would be pretty immersive to just hop on your skis and go off into the mountains. It would be pretty cool if there was a boost to speed for having them equipped also.


2) This one is probably difficult,if possible at all, but I thought I would put it out there. A dog sled. Or maybe replace the horse carts with dog teams.


3) A steam powered dwemer snow mobile.


Not sure how possible these ideas are but I think the skiing idea has the most potential. Being from Alaska I think that these mods would be awesome since I actually do all three in real life.

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