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Broken Steel is not triggering


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After I get to the end of the Take It Back! quest and activate Project Purity there are two noticeable things: first I still have control of my character after entering the code (I usually enter it myself). I can move around and such, the event where my character doubles over and is knocked out by the energy spike of PP is not there. Now, the game's end cutscene comes up, and after that ends I'm still in the rotunda where I put in the code... (that's the second thing) the corpses of the enclave that I slaughtered are still there, and it's as if I never activated the purifier because the potomac is still irradiated. I'd like to get everything working properly to get that semblance of immersion, but if I have to use the console to trigger Broken Steel's quest line I'll do it.

Extra Info


I have tried sending in my companions (Fawkes), they also did not have any animation that you'd see normally. Have tried killing Col. Autum, then tried letting him go, no good. have NOT tried sending in Sarah Lyons, and didnt have a save prior to beginning Take It Back! to revert to.


I use the FOSE and launch FO3 from the Mod Manager


I'm using the FO3 GOTY edition bought off of Steam

These are my mods:


Fallout Wanderers Edition

Mothership Crew Mod (The TSC one)



Unnoficial Fallout 3 Patch (with patches on all expansion packs)


Darnified UI (I seriously doubt the UI did this, but still, it's there)

Advanced Recon

WeaponModKits (with esps on for all expansion packs)


Ultimate Perk Pack (along with the UPP Beverage, Quest & Original Perk Packs too)


Thanks for your time, also sorry if this is in the wrong place. I'm new to the forums.

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