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Dual Wielding mod request


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Would be cool, but its pretty much one of those mods that can't be done without re-writing the game's source code, as its more or less hardcoded into the engine that only one weapon can be equipped at a time.


That said, it could be theoretically possible if a new weapon was made, with matching animations, that was "dual wielded" in visuals only. Think of something like the dual Berettas in CounterStrike. Overall it would leave a bit to be desired, as it wouldn't allow equipping normal one-handed guns to each hand on the fly. I don't see it happening anytime soon, as its a lot of work to end up with something that would be pretty sloppy at best.

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I don't think dual wielding melee and ranged would even be possible with engine edits :tongue:
Just as a thought wouldn't it be possible to put a dummy version of a one handed weapon in the other hand? Sort of like a glove.
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Edited by flamenx01
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