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Looking for a mod (Circle Crosshair)


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Hello my fellow Wastelanders,


i stumbled across a screenshot here on Nexus, where you could see a 3rd person Last of Us looking female character which had 2 weapons holstered on the right side of her shoulder and the interface had a circle crosshair, like The Last of Us, no Dot or anything, a real circle.


I'm going mad looking for this mod, i think it looks just great.


Anyone can help?


Thanks in advance.

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Heyas weazz.

Ok here's my thoughts on this.

1) There are hud mods that allow you to customize the... well... hud. The crosshairs are actually a part of that. Tho, it wouldnt be using the vanilla assets as part of the customization. New graphics for that crosshair would have to be added, and the files for the hud would have to be edited for the new graphic file name. I know that even back before the CK came out, there were HUD modifications that changed the crosshairs. One of which I saw on an old 2015 (Year of game release) video, where they'd installed the New Vegas crosshair.

2) They may have photo shop'd the crosshair into the image.


Sorry for not having a direct answer for you on this one.

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