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Time Lords in skyrim quest glitch


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So I'm wrapping up some things for my Time Lords in Skyrim update 1.4, and am running into some bugs. For Example, I am trying to make a quest where you help out a guy named John Smith (The Doctor), and it won't start. I have some dialogue set up where you ask him if he needs help with something, and he proceeds from there. When I go to the guy in-game, he just says basic stuff, like "Yes?" and "Need something?", I tried to get around this by manually setting the quest stages, but no alias targets appear on my compass, and the log entry for the quest is blank when I have filled it in the Creation Kit. I want to get this mod out in time for the 50th anniversary the end of this week, but if I cant fix this, then there will be some issues. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks



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