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OBSE Errors


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I'm having this issue, too, and causing CTD:


checking plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll

plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll (00000002 OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue_OLD 00000000) reported as incompatible during query


What could be wrong?


Thanks again, Strike. As always.

So... this doesn't cause crashies, then?

And what about the Construction Set? it doens't cause crashies, too?


checking plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Construction Set Extender.dll

couldn't load plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Construction Set Extender.dll (Error code 1114 (0000045A)



Can't say one way or another about the CSE problem (I'm still using the vanilla CS).


I have the exact same error reported in my own OBSE.log regarding OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll and any crashes I get I know the reason why (having so many Blockheaded NPCs in one cell that my VRAM usage gets so high that the game chokes when changing to the next cell is the reason for me 99.99% of the time).

Edited by Striker879
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The way OBSE plugins (DLLs) work is made so either, the game and the CS, will try to load them all, but not all of them are meant to be used in both. There's no way of telling them, so the system relies on either of them identifying the wrong plugin as "incompatible during query" for it not to load them.


In your case the two plugins "AVUncapper_CS" and "Construction Set Extender" are both meant to only be loaded when you start the CS, not when you start the game. So the game will report them as incompatible and not load them, while the CS will load them fine and perhaps do so for others instead.


In other words, those errors in the OBSE log usually only mean it's working as intended and shouldn't possibly be the cause for crashes.

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I'm having this issue, too, and causing CTD:


checking plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll

plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll (00000002 OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue_OLD 00000000) reported as incompatible during query


What could be wrong?


Thanks again, Strike. As always.

So... this doesn't cause crashies, then?

And what about the Construction Set? it doens't cause crashies, too?


checking plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Construction Set Extender.dll

couldn't load plugin C:\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\Construction Set Extender.dll (Error code 1114 (0000045A)



Can't say one way or another about the CSE problem (I'm still using the vanilla CS).


I have the exact same error reported in my own OBSE.log regarding OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll and any crashes I get I know the reason why (having so many Blockheaded NPCs in one cell that my VRAM usage gets so high that the game chokes when changing to the next cell is the reason for me 99.99% of the time).


Thank you very much, Drake The Dragon!

And Thank you very much Striker, too!

So, it's what I fear: it may be one of my mods that is causing this random crashies.

Would you know how to indentify and solve mods conflicts? because here in TES4Edit, I have found a lot of them, but... I don't know what to do next!! :ohmy: :ohmy:

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I use C-Bash myself (even though it has the beta designation and I understand it is no longer supported or recommended) ... my understanding is that it is able to use more options when finding records to include in the bashed patch. I also don't have an extremely large or conflicting mod list so I haven't had to look any deeper into what (if any) conflicts it may not resolve automatically.


When you are using TES4Edit to find these conflicts I take it you are talking about your entire load order. If so do you include the bashed patch in the report? I've only used TES4Edit to compare a couple or few mods at a time to see what (if any) conflicts they may have before commiting them to my load order (generally while first building my load order ... it remains largely static until I decide to start a new character, and years can pass before that happens).


So much will depend on what types for conflicts are reported. Load order and bash tags are the two primary tools for the types of game records that are supported by bash tags (load order still plays it's role even with bash tags, especially when two partially conflicting mods use the same bash tags, as load order will determine which tagged records from which mod eventually wind up in the bashed patch).


When the automatic tools don't cover everything I believe the next step is creating your own patch manually with TES4Edit (notice I said believe ... never had to do that myself).

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It isn't just the number of mods that counts (as long as there are fewer than 255) ... it's the content of those mods that is the rub.


TES4Edit will tell you what the bashed patch is able to fix, not what it has not been able to fix, and that is really what you are looking for.


The problem faced when troubleshooting an entire load order is always what I call the "plate of spaghetti" problem. You need to find the end of one particular noodle, maybe even a certain end of one particular noodle ... amid that sea of noddles covered in sauce. You'll need to grab a lot of wrong noodles before you find the right one. My rather old school way is more like checking each noodle out as it comes from the box, before it joins the others already bubbling in the pot. By the time they hit the plate all that is needed is a fork and a big spoon, and my own twirling technique.


And one other thing to keep in mind while you're on this journey ... crashes have always been a "feature" of this game. EngineBugFixes has helped with some of them from my experience, and others swear by the virtues of Oblivion Reloaded's fixes as well as Oblivion Stutter Remover. The Bevilix mod comments is probably the most comprehensive source of information concerning stability in Oblivion.


Be prepared for some time spent reading, and as usual on the internet, lots of conflicting opinions. I suggest using the forum interface to those mod comments so you can use the forum views search options to cut down on the reading.

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It isn't just the number of mods that counts (as long as there are fewer than 255) ... it's the content of those mods that is the rub.


TES4Edit will tell you what the bashed patch is able to fix, not what it has not been able to fix, and that is really what you are looking for.


The problem faced when troubleshooting an entire load order is always what I call the "plate of spaghetti" problem. You need to find the end of one particular noodle, maybe even a certain end of one particular noodle ... amid that sea of noddles covered in sauce. You'll need to grab a lot of wrong noodles before you find the right one. My rather old school way is more like checking each noodle out as it comes from the box, before it joins the others already bubbling in the pot. By the time they hit the plate all that is needed is a fork and a big spoon, and my own twirling technique.


And one other thing to keep in mind while you're on this journey ... crashes have always been a "feature" of this game. EngineBugFixes has helped with some of them from my experience, and others swear by the virtues of Oblivion Reloaded's fixes as well as Oblivion Stutter Remover. The Bevilix mod comments is probably the most comprehensive source of information concerning stability in Oblivion.


Be prepared for some time spent reading, and as usual on the internet, lots of conflicting opinions. I suggest using the forum interface to those mod comments so you can use the forum views search options to cut down on the reading.

Yes, I've noticed that: the Forum is a way much better than the site itself and, believe me: I only notice this feature (that you can access the Forum Thread) directly through the Nexus Site simply clicking on Forum Thread!




So, Striker-san, I have to use TES4Edit to look the conflicts in the Bashed Patch, aye?

Okay, I'm going to do that!

Thanks again! :laugh:

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It isn't just the number of mods that counts (as long as there are fewer than 255) ... it's the content of those mods that is the rub.


TES4Edit will tell you what the bashed patch is able to fix, not what it has not been able to fix, and that is really what you are looking for.


The problem faced when troubleshooting an entire load order is always what I call the "plate of spaghetti" problem. You need to find the end of one particular noodle, maybe even a certain end of one particular noodle ... amid that sea of noddles covered in sauce. You'll need to grab a lot of wrong noodles before you find the right one. My rather old school way is more like checking each noodle out as it comes from the box, before it joins the others already bubbling in the pot. By the time they hit the plate all that is needed is a fork and a big spoon, and my own twirling technique.


And one other thing to keep in mind while you're on this journey ... crashes have always been a "feature" of this game. EngineBugFixes has helped with some of them from my experience, and others swear by the virtues of Oblivion Reloaded's fixes as well as Oblivion Stutter Remover. The Bevilix mod comments is probably the most comprehensive source of information concerning stability in Oblivion.


Be prepared for some time spent reading, and as usual on the internet, lots of conflicting opinions. I suggest using the forum interface to those mod comments so you can use the forum views search options to cut down on the reading.

Oh: one more thing!

So is it okay to have crashies in the (modded) game? I didn't know that until yesterday, I think (through a Steam's Forum thread) and confirming by you now!

How I say: Que onda! :laugh: :laugh:

But I think in my case, the crashies are more often then the acceptable: I have to everytime save my game because, at any time (with much or little time of gameplay), my game will crash, hehe :confused:

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