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OBSE Errors


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So if it's frequent crashes (and frequent needs to be defined ... every five minutes, every 25 minutes etc) then you need to find out the hard answer ... why.


You won't be looking for conflicts in the bashed patch with TES4Edit. The bashed patch resolves conflicts. If you looked at it with TES4Edit you will find out the details of what the WB report tells you after it has built the bashed patch (that small browser window that comes up after it is done ... that tells you what in all WB did while building the bashed patch, but it doesn't tell you all of the fine print details).


Most of my troubleshooting is done before the mods get installed ... done right in their extracted download folders. If mod descriptions (or my Spidey senses) lead me to suspect some other conflicts that don't appear in a simple file and folder comparison then I'll use TES4Edit looking for other conflicts that may be hidden in the ESPs (leveled list conflicts etc).


I know quite a bit about a mod long before it gets onto my game drive, hence my "troubleshooting skills" are a bit different than what you'll need in an "after the fact" troubleshooting exercise.

Edited by Striker879
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