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Restarting a quest question

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I have a quest in my mod whose only function is to have an alias whose name is placed in a messagebox using the <Alias.CurrentName=my_quest_alias> method.

This seems to work ok except for saves that have seen earlier versions of my mod and the quest (where I had the alias method slightly wrong). I've tested that disabling the mod, starting one of these saves, resaving, and then re-enabling the mod and starting from the new save works. However I'd like to test just stopping and starting the quest in game, but using the console to stop the quest shows the quest as still running and like wise using myquest.Stop() in a script.

Does a quest have to have certain features for stop() and start() to apply? Mine has no stages except 0 - but nothing in that stage. It is game start enabled and run once checked.



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StartGame can be usually stopped, but RunOnce should be cleared to allow restart, i guess. Can't say what happens, though for diagnostics may add a RunOnStop stage and see if it sets on Stop(), mostly for curiousity though. Such a quantum and non-restartable quest i've encountered once, and reason appeared to be related to scripts processing and somehow poorly explainable, perhaps there can be other weird occassions to corrupt quest entities, interesting.

Edited by hereami
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You really should not stop and start start game enabled quests, even if to appears to work it can cause all sorts of unexpected issues with stages and aliases over time.


What you do is have a start game enabled controller quest which starts and stops non start game enabled utility quests; finder sweeps, radiants & etc

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