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Stupid Missing Dog Request


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Theres a Mod that when you Lost your Companion, it makes the Companion drop to your location when you move 20 feet away from Him/Her and it works Brilliantly.


Theres also a Whistle Mod to call your Horse witch works Brilliantly.


Now im wondering if someone could Please make a Mod so when i get a Stray Dog, it should be Essential and stick to me like Glue until i tell it to go home.


I Lost my Dog and i tried everything to find it, but the Game thinks i got a Dog.

Edited by daventry
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Can't help directly, but have you tried the mod Summon Followers. I believe it works for pets. I could be wrong on that count, but I think when I used it, it worked for my dog. Even if it did, it might only work on unique pets like Meeko or Vigilance.


Scratch the "can't help directly" bit. I just remembered something that'll work. If you have a save where you still had the dog, then load it up and select it in the console. Then, load up your recent save that you actually use and open the console and type "moveto player". If that doesn't work, then type "player.moveto ...." where the dots are replaced by the ID you got when you clicked on the dog.The first would move the dog to you, and if it didn't work, then second would move you to the dog. I had to do that when I lost Lydia (ironically, it turned out Lydia was right next to me but had somehow turned invisible...).

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