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Pandora radio station


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Use the steam interface to open a browser window, open pandora. Beyond this, there's no chance of getting a mod to sync with a website ingame to control it with your pip-boy. That's Bethesda-level programming, because you'd have to hard-wire the game to look for a server (pandora), and then run an interface from there to the game menus. That would require professional level programming.

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If mods are available that can replace the pip boy, and add radio stations I don't understand why this could be possible in theory. There are programs that interface with the Pandora website from in games. Would it be possible to hook the curl library in, open up a socket or tcp connection to connect to the server, etc?

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There's a huge difference between things like changing the pipboy model or adding a new radio station (both of these can be done with the GECK by referencing files in the New Vegas/Data folder), and adding code to an offline game to allow it to connect to the internet. Adding internet functions requires going into the actual code for the game. Adding radio stations based off of mp3s, instead of an internet stream, just requires referencing the files in the GECK.

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There's a huge difference between things like changing the pipboy model or adding a new radio station (both of these can be done with the GECK by referencing files in the New Vegas/Data folder), and adding code to an offline game to allow it to connect to the internet. Adding internet functions requires going into the actual code for the game. Adding radio stations based off of mp3s, instead of an internet stream, just requires referencing the files in the GECK.



this guy made FO:3/NV multiplayer. Not sure he got his hands on the source files.

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  • 10 years later...

Updating an offline game to enable internet connectivity is not the same as updating the Pip-Boy model or adding a new radio station, both of which may be completed using the GECK by referencing files in the New Vegas/Data folder. Adding online features requires modifications to the game's source code. On the other hand, adding MP3-based radio stations just requires referencing the files included within the GECK, as opposed to online streaming...

Edited by michaelpearson
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