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An AR thats not some kind of M4 or M14

Harabec Weathers

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Idk Im just saying how about something besides an M4 Carbine or any of those other shitty guns.


Considering the environment of the wasteland (desert) a weapon like the M4 would be a poor choice since they are very unreliable in such an environment. The sand just fukcs them all up.



How about a HK 417 like this one



Or a XM8



This one i really want :) Tavor TAR-21



Same with this one :) Tavor MTAR-21




Just throwing some ideas out there :)

BUt yes Id definately like to see something other than a M4, M14 or whatever else of the same model.


THANKS! :biggrin: :thanks:

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You'd have to wait a while for a TAR, since bullpup animations don't look like they'll be coming soon.
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