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MCM Menu, what am I doing wrong?


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You need to unpack the SkyUI scripts from it's BSA and put the PSC files into the source folder too. Having not made a MCM entry for a mod before, I do not know if there are any other steps needed.


Here is the thing MO, might be great for managing the mods that you play with but when it comes to creating mods, it is not ideal. There is so much going on with the Creation Kit that using a virtual directory is not the best option.


The nice thing about using MO to manage your mods and play is that the mod(s) you are working on will be the only thing in the data folder. Hence less worry about ensuring that you get the correct files packaged up for distribution.


Thanks again, you've been very helpful. I'm close now, but it seems there's one more hurdle to get past.


I've moved all the SkyUI files into the vanilla Skyrim directory. This of course lets the compiler locate 'SKI_ConfigBase'. However it still generates errors, whether I run the compiler by means of the Creation Kit (launched independently, not through the Mod Organizer) or by means of Notepad++.


No matter what script I try to compile, whether it's my translated one or a vanilla SkyUI script, I get these kinds of errors.


In example, the compiler complains about this:

(61,1): RegisterForModEvent is not a function or does not exist
However, when I open that exact directory, I see that ski_configmanager.psc in indeed there, and that it does contain the function RegisterForModEvent on line 61.
There must be ghosts in the machine...
Edited by eriknm
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SKSE has been installed all along. I reinstalled it using the automatic installer just to be certain, and confirmed that all its script files exist in the script and source folders. I've also redownloaded SkyUI and installed it into the vanilla Skyrim folder structure. And just to be clear, everything I'm doing now is in the vanilla folder structure (I typically use Mod Organizer). The BSA was not extracted. I've removed all SDK scripts and reinstalled SkyUI SDK 4.1, as well.


Trade & Barter's vanilla "TV_MCMScript.psc" script (which is the one I've translated) is still committing the same hate-crime against me, though.

Here's the face of evil: http://postimg.org/image/iaqi9mn9v/


I tried compiling SKI_ConfigBase (which TV_MCMScript.psc extends) directly, and that works fine now. I know it isn't supposed to be recompiled though, so I removed the pex-file and replaced it with the vanilla one from the SDK 4.1 archive again.


Any further advice on how I can make TV_MCMScript.psc recognize functions such as SetGameSettingFloat? I'm going through the documentation at Schlangster's site, but haven't found the answer yet.


Perhaps the mod author used his own customized version of SKI_ConfigBase, where he's defined new functions such as SetGameSettingFloat, when compiling the script... would that make sense?

Edited by eriknm
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The function SetGameSettingFloat is located in the SKSE version of the script 'Game.psc'. From the errors you posted, it seems you still have the vanilla version installed. The SKSE's game.psc should have the time stamp 2013/06/23. You can also open the script and search for 'SetGameSettingFloat'. If it's not there, it's the vanilla script or an outdated SKSE version.


Btw, a german translation of the mod can already be found on Nexus.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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The function SetGameSettingFloat is located in the SKSE version of the script 'Game.psc'. From the errors you posted, it seems you still have the vanilla version installed. The SKSE's game.psc should have the time stamp 2013/06/23. You can also open the script and search for 'SetGameSettingFloat'. If it's not there, it's the vanilla script or an outdated SKSE version.


Btw, a german translation of the mod can already be found on Nexus.


That actually solved my problem, the script compiles perfectly now. Even though reinstalling SKSE using the installer didn't have any effect, downloading the SKSE archive and manually updating 'game.psc' turned out to be the solution. Thanks, god of abominations, I appreciate it.


Can't believe I missed the fact that there's already a German translation out there. I'm very happy with mine and will still use it though, and I'll upload it if the other translator stops maintaining his version. In any case I've learned much from this. Thanks again to everyone who offered advice.

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  • 2 months later...


The function SetGameSettingFloat is located in the SKSE version of the script 'Game.psc'. From the errors you posted, it seems you still have the vanilla version installed. The SKSE's game.psc should have the time stamp 2013/06/23. You can also open the script and search for 'SetGameSettingFloat'. If it's not there, it's the vanilla script or an outdated SKSE version.


Btw, a german translation of the mod can already be found on Nexus.


That actually solved my problem, the script compiles perfectly now. Even though reinstalling SKSE using the installer didn't have any effect, downloading the SKSE archive and manually updating 'game.psc' turned out to be the solution. Thanks, god of abominations, I appreciate it.


Can't believe I missed the fact that there's already a German translation out there. I'm very happy with mine and will still use it though, and I'll upload it if the other translator stops maintaining his version. In any case I've learned much from this. Thanks again to everyone who offered advice.



The dreaded [ Source\ski_widgetmanager.psc(29,1): RegisterForModEvent is not a function or does not exist ]

Skyrim Bug is solved.


In short, the SKSE *.exe installer looks at he date of the script files, and doesn't install if of the same date.


This is probably a convienence for the SKSE developers, so they don't have to wait for a full install file transfer time when testing a small change to just a few files.


So, If you've been fighting the problem, and just re-installed, the Skyrim game, then SkyUI, some of the files which should be overwritten with SKSE versions are not, and hence it cannot find the handles fo rhte ResisterForMenu or RegisterFor******!


So, download the Archieve version of the file, and manually copy and paste the Script files, both *.pex, and source *.psc into the Skyrim/Data/Scripts folder, and everything will start working again.



I was so frustrated with this problem, that until I came across this post I had devolved into:


Drinking Whiskey


Kicking the Dog


Pounding on the keyboard until I got blood and plastic shards


Searching for hard drugs


Screaming at the sky


and contemplating using nuclear weapons on innocent cities in utter frustration!



Thanks to (Enthusiast) on the Nexus Formus, ... I'm better now.


Spread the word.

Edited by VanKrill
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