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Need help identifying frame-rate-related mod


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First off, have you played DOOM 3 BFG, or perhaps Dead Space 3 with the frame rate unlocked?

If you have, and you have a decent rig, you know how "fast" the frame rate looks. Even if you lock Vsync on in your control panel, those games look like they clock hundreds of frames per second.


Now, check out this video of Skyrim:


Granted, the compression of that video makes the textures look like Minecraft sometimes, and the video is only running at 30 FPS, but you can clearly see that very "unlocked" frame rate look.

Everything moves so quickly and fluidly.


Now, my rig is nice. It isn't the world's greatest, but it's nice. I score 140 FPS indoors, and between 48-80 FPS outdoors, all settings on Ultra.


Crazy thing is, Skyrim's 140 FPS doesn't look as fast as DOOM 3 BFG capped at 60, or anything like the video I posted here. What gives?


Does anyone understand what I'm asking? What mod or setting makes Skyrim look the way it appears in the video linked above?


Thank you for your time. :smile:

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There are many factors involved. For starters, the video above could have some degree of motion blur added during the footage's editing phase which, obviously, would make it look a lot smoother, despite its frame rate. Hence why films(movies, if you are from the US) are 24fps(I think?) but never look stuttery due to natural motion blur resulting from recording a real scene.


Secondly, a constant, locked frame rate will, in most cases, look smoother to your brain than a higher yet unstable frame rate. For this reason, I have my drivers capped at 58fps for all games. Everything looks nice and smooth when I play and my graphics card runs a ton cooler because it's not trying to run with full GPU usage.

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Hmm... I appreciate the response, but I'm quite sure that's not it.

I definitely see the motion blur you're referring to, but that's not what I'm talking about.


Also, I actually use Vsync most of the time, so I'm locked at 60 FPS as well, so it's not a smoothness issues, otherwise I'd already have that look I'm seeking.


The only reason I mentioned the higher frame rates is because I don't want someone to claim the reason I'm not getting that effect is because my computer is too weak; it isn't.


There's some sort of rendering trick at play here.

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