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Hello, I have been playing EW for a while, now I am just after alien base. But about the medals, at the begins I was getting some medals, acually a lot in a short time, but after few missions and getting like 10 medals I am not getting more medals anymore and i still didnt get the last one medal. Please is it possible to made a mod, that would actually make like one medal for two completed mission. Because like from 1/3 of game I am at now, there is no more medals at all. And these medals are pretty awesome idea to this game, shame it seems they didnt made it right.


EDIT: I was reading something about medals, and it is only about increasing cap of how many medals you can have at time. There is 12 medals maximum, every medal has there own cap.


Thanks in advance for any reply.


Also Big thanks to all modders for your hard work you are doing.

Edited by m3my
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See before you move.


Another idea, that I think is impossible to made, but would be very useful. That when you would like to move your unit into some position, you would see which enemy he will have in sight before you move into that position, like that the aliens head in the right corner would be visible before you would make that move and have there just mouse cursor. Because this game lacks of it. Sometimes you move near to enemy and you cant shoot him or you move your second units near the first, which spotted some enemies and the second guy cant see anyone, just because you moved him one square behind the line of sight.

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Strongly Agreed w/ unlimited medals cap! It will be totally cool but i guess for balance reason 2k limited it but it is really stupid you are limited to 12 capped. 2k should make a mechanic earning a medal is not capped but based on mission performance and soldier who have more kills are the only one who can received a medal. I think this mechanic i suggested could balance the medals intead of limiting them.

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Please, if anybody found in what file (ini or upk or what els) the max ammount of the medals are, tells us.

I searched the last days for that and cant find more as the values of the medals (in the DefaultGameCore.ini).

Maybe its in a upk file or only with hex edit changeble, idk.


If anybody found anythink about it please tell us.

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Please, if anybody found in what file (ini or upk or what els) the max ammount of the medals are, tells us.

I searched the last days for that and cant find more as the values of the medals (in the DefaultGameCore.ini).

Maybe its in a upk file or only with hex edit changeble, idk.


If anybody found anythink about it please tell us.


I think you may find this post interesting:



I haven't done any testing but it looks very much like you can change the number of available medals in that function.

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I think you may find this post interesting:



I haven't done any testing but it looks very much like you can change the number of available medals in that function.


Thank u so much. Thats what im looking for.

I needed a bit to understand how i can find and edit it but now im done and it works.

I changed all Medals to 5 (but not the HQ Medal) and have now 5 Defender Medals, still testing if i get all other to 5 too.

Edited by Balygre
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I think you may find this post interesting:



I haven't done any testing but it looks very much like you can change the number of available medals in that function.


Thank u so much. Thats what im looking for.

I needed a bit to understand how i can find and edit it but now im done and it works.

I changed all Medals to 5 (but not the HQ Medal) and have now 5 Defender Medals, still testing if i get all other to 5 too.



Hi, pls could you tell me how you changed it ? I was trying some programs to hex edit it, but without succes.

Thanks in advance for reply.

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Hi, pls could you tell me how you changed it ? I was trying some programs to hex edit it, but without succes.

Thanks in advance for reply.


Ok first u need to download the upk modding tools (thx to BlackAlpha) http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/820867-here-are-upk-modding-tools/

If u just want to change the medal u only need to decompressor the XComStrategyGame.upk and open it with a HexEditor.

Search for line (Hex Search) "24 01 24 98 24", that should look like this:



... 24 01 24 98 24 99 2C 04 2C 03 16 1B 2D 05 00 00 00 00 00 00

24 02 24 9A 24 9B 2C 03 2C 03 16 1B 2D 05 00 00 00 00 00 00

24 03 24 9C 24 9D 2C 02 2C 07 16 1B 2D 05 00 00 00 00 00 00

24 04 24 9E 24 9F 2C 02 2C 0A 16 1B 2D 05 00 00 00 00 00 00

24 05 24 A0 24 A1 26 26 16 04 0B 53 ...



The red market nr. are the medals, change them to what u want, save, use Xshape and HF.

If u wane change more there is a very nice txt tutorial in the upk modding tools.

Edited by Balygre
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