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Sporadic stuttering when sprinting and turning - Long term problem.


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I've never really been bothered to look into this problem properly but when I sprint or sometimes turn around (like in a new area) Skyrim stutters.

Now, I'm guessing it's because of the textures/meshes/models etc are loading? Are there any solutions and tweaks to preload/precatch the above said which may solve the stuttering when sprinting and turning?

I have a Raedon 7870 2GB, 8GB ram, x8 AMD @ 3.50ghz, SSD, Windows 7 64.
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Have you tried:

Disabling radial Blur (bUseBlurShader=0)

Adjusting the values for your mouse sensitvity in your prefs.ini ( I use fMouseCursorSpeed=2.2000 andfMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0260, but optimal settings may be different for you. )

Increasing the maximum pre-rendered frames in your GPU driver program to 5 or 6

Using a texture optimizer like SMCO

Decreasing graphics settings, especially AA


Also, if you have changed ugrids or iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes value in your skyrim .ini revert these to the default may solve your problem.

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