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Live decapications


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It seems if as body tissues in FO3 only magically fail when people are dead, not when they're alive.


So it seems natural to have some defeated enemies have like missing arms but still barely alive.


I believe that MMM has somehting like this, but with ghouls, dead feral ghouls can come back to life, even without arms and still attack you.


With MMM as precedent, I believe this can be done.

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You have very little idea of what you're asking.


MMM works by replacing "dead ghoul" with "dead armless ghoul", and then resurrecting them, while out of sight of the player.


You can't do this with more human characters unless you want to make a version for each existing npc.


The reason this is done this way is because vatsing magically restores lost limbs on resurrected stuff. so you need to physically replace it with a clone that doesn't have an arm at all.

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I believe that there is a Japanese mod that had live dismemberment that actually kinda worked. I'll try and see if I can find that picture again.
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