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Fallout New Vegas Mod Help : WMX


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hey everyone im having some issues with fallout new vegas mods


im not very good with getting mods to work so im not that great at this kind of stuff. but i got the Nexus Mod Manager and the Fallout Mod Manger.


my main issue is that the game works really fine BUT


the WMX mods cause my game to crash instantly all the others seem to work fine.


im not so sure of how im supposed to do it



their last in the load order and the order is


Weapon Mod Expansion .ESP

WMXUE -Modernweapons .esp


WMX-EVE-Alldlc .esp


WMX -Arenovalis Textures

WMXUE Arenovalis Textures CS .esp


WMXUE- Arenovalis textures .esp

WMXUE - CouriersStash .esp




so im not sure if im missing anything or doing anything wrong

help please


Sorry for my english. its not a second language im just not that good at it D:


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There is no correct order for the listed mods. They are not compatible. WMX and WMXUE are "pick one".



Your load order is wrong AND you erroneously have both versions installed.



i fixed the load order now so that it is

Weapon Mod Expansion .esp (unchecked or should it be checked? either way doesn't work)



WMXUE -PN .esp


WMXUE-ModernWeapons .esp

WMXUE -couriersStash .esp

FOOK - New Vegas .esp

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs esp

WMXUE -Arenovalis Tesxtures CS esp

WMXUE -Arenovalis Textures .esp


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K, time for some fishing lessons:


In your mod manager, you can see what each plugin requires as its "master". A master file must always precede (load before/above) whatever depends on it. So, in this case, WMXUE.esp would need to load prior to any other WMXUE patch file.


Additionally, you have the FOOK New Vegas / DLC esps smack dab in the middle of less important weapon mods plugins - major game overhauls (such as FOOK) should always get loaded as high (close to beginning of load order) as possible. Bear in mind that esps are hardcoded to always load after esms.


You can also download B.O.S.S. - a lovely little load order app. It will sort 90% of available [older] plugins automagically; it would have handled your poor placement of the FOOK esps, but not the WMXUE plugins (as they are relatively new).

Edited by drithius
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