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Woodelves are cannibals, correct?


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I was walking along at night with my hunter wood elf when i came across two farmers out on their luck because of the dragons.... option to give them 5 gold or move on..



then I thought, why not be dinner? Are woodelves truly cannibals? could someone give them the ability to eat corpses like werewolves?


any ideas?

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you are partially right, wood elves shouldnt waste meat only when they are in theyr native province of vallenwood because of the greenvegan deal they made with the unknown spirit of the florests, out of there there is no problem with cutting woods or let meat go to waste.

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Bosmeri (aka Wood Elves) have been known to eat their fallen enemies - not so much each other. The green pact keeps the Bosmeri from harming the vegetation of Valenwood and the meat mandate is a specific section of the green pact that states Bosmeri must eat their fallen enemies. This does not mean that Bosmer run around hell bent for blood and nibble on anyone they can get their hands on - though there is an ingame series of books that does indicate that the Bosmeri may also deign to eat the arrogantly stupid.




However there are already a few mods that add alchemical bits to men and mer.

Edited by Oubliette
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