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CTD on manual Save


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I've seen this issue discussed before, but in a context in which the affected players could not save AT ALL.


That is not the case for me. I could play X amount of time, save manually successfully a few times but then suddenly I'll save manually and it just CTDs. I don't quicksave. I save manually and I have a few autosaves that are made whenever I enter and exit places.


This is a shot of my "saves" folder if it helps at all.




Curiously enough when I load a game I have the option to load Save 151 (my most recent manual save), one of the three autosaves that have been created from me just entering and exiting places, and then save01 which was created as I was getting off the prisoner cart in the beginning of the game.


Am I crashing because of these other TMP files? Should I delete any of these? I see that save 152 TMP was created which is curious since that's what would've been my most recent save but was when I CTD'd.


I can also post what mods I have if that matters at all. I kinda just don't want to though since I have a lot. haha


Any insight?

Edited by Calypso589
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It's safe to delete all those .tmp files, they're just temporary files and aren't needed by the game. The only valid saves in that list are Save 1, Save 151 and the 3 autosaves. Delete the .tmp files and see if that helps to improve things.

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