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restore magicka spell


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There are mods that do this. I've tried these:

The Magicka Restoration mod by Holan Wholestorm adds a spell. You have to be a mid-level member of the Mages Guild to buy it. You can use the spell to enchant a CE item.

The Fair Magicka Regen mod by Glassboy makes magicka restore naturally in the game just like fatigue does. You can pick from four different rates of magicka regeneration.

Both of these mods are on Morrowind Summit.

Check out my last post in the Tips 'n Tricks thread of this forum. You can effectively make a "restore magicka" item in the unmodded game.

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Another Mod that has a restore health/magica amulet is Mercenaries Mod. They have headquarters just outside Caldera and you can get up to 20 mercenaries for 2000 gold a piece. A trader in the headquarters sells the amulets but most mercenaries come equipped with them and companion share will let you take them for yourself. (IIRC this is cheaper than buying the amulet which seems a bit odd.)


Of course it's all a bit of a cheat!

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A restore magicka spell? Teh lollars.


Sure, if you don't really give it some real thought, it seems only natural, they have restore health, restore fatigue, so why not magicka? Well, think about it:


Use 25 magicka to restore 100. You get 75 out of thin air.


I'm afraid that you'll have to stick to potions and other such things.

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