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the now Defunct MEMod game mechanics scripts


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Hi all sorry about the w8 I have had real life crises's and then hollidays anyway here they are the MEMod game mechanics scripts (not compleatly bug free yet but hey what are ya gunna do)


I Highly recomend you run these as a stand alone esp withought other mods running for now till ppl test them with other things :) and mod other things to work with this


You will HAVE to start from scratch (new charecter)


Thanks to all the old crew of MEMod for there contribution and testing and perseverence against all odds but 1 :)


feel free to post bug reports and I may get on them but i have other things on the horizon at the moment and the morrowind engin just doesent cut the musterd for my next project so yeah


Well withought furthur adoo here are the game mechanics still in beta modified to run on Morrowind Bloodmoon and Tribunal (yes you need all three) but hey who doesent have all three now?


if by some wild mistake i post the one that leaves out tribunal please some one tell me so i can go looking for the real one :)




My appologies to tolkin estate for the MEMod tag all over the place but they where originaly made for it and well i cant be @$$ed renaming everything and all there linking things and ect you get the idea :)


have fun instructions should pop up during char creation and tell you what you need to do and ect and blah blah blah... oh btw here are a list of foods and the foodgroups they help replenish


;food_kwama_egg_01 	 M,D,	2:2	
;food_kwama_egg_02 	 M,D,	3:3	
;ingred_marshmerrow_01 	 V,S,	4:2	
;ingred_saltrice_01 	 G,	6	
;ingred_crab_meat_01 	 M,	6	
;ingred_daedras_heart_01  M,	6	
;ingred_ash_yam_01 	 V,S,	4:2	
;ingred_bittergreen_petals_01  V,G,	2:2	
;ingred_black_anther_01  G,	4	
;ingred_black_lichen_01  M,V,	1:4	
;ingred_comberry_01 	 F,	4	
;ingred_chokeweed_01 	 V,G,	4:4	
;ingred_corkbulb_root_01  V,	6	
;ingred_ghoul_heart_01 	 M,	6	
;ingred_gold_kanet_01 	 V,G,	2:4	
;ingred_green_lichen_01  M,V,	2:4	
;ingred_hackle-lo_leaf_01  V,G,	2:4	
;ingred_heather_01 	 F,G,	3:3	
;ingred_hound_meat_01 	 M,	6	
;ingred_kresh_fiber_01 	 G,	6	
;ingred_moon_sugar_01 	 S,	8	
;ingred_rat_meat_01 	 M,	6	
;ingred_red_lichen_01 	 M,V,	2:4	
;ingred_roobrush_01 	 V,G,	2:4	
;ingred_scathecraw_01 	 V,	6	
;ingred_scrib_jelly_01 	 S,	6	
;ingred_sload_soap_01 	 G,	4	
;ingred_stoneflower_petals_01  G,	4	
;ingred_trama_root_01 	 V,	6	
;ingred_wickwheat_01 	 G,	6	
;ingred_willow_anther_01  G,	5	
;ingred_scrib_jerky_01 	 M,	4	
;ingred_fire_petal_01 	 G,	3	
;ingred_bread_01 	 D,G,	2:6	
;ingred_coprinus_01 	 M,F,	2:5	
;ingred_russula_01 	 F,	7	
;ingred_bc_ampoule_pod 	 M,F,	2:5	
;ingred_bc_bungler's_bane  M,F,	4:2	
;ingred_bc_hypha_facia 	 M,F,	3:3	
;ingred_bc_spore_pod 	 F,	5	
;ingred_bc_coda_flower 	 F,V,G,	1:1:2	
;ingred_bread_01_UNI2 	 D,G,	2:6	
;ingred_human_meat_01 	 M,	6	
;ingred_bread_01_UNI3 	 D,G,	1:3	
;Ingred_horn_lily_bulb_01  F,G,	2:4	
;Ingred_nirthfly_stalks_01  G,	5	
;Ingred_timsa-come-by_01  G,	4	
;Ingred_meadow_rye_01 	 V,G,	2:4	
;Ingred_sweetpulp_01 	 G,S,	4:3	
;Ingred_scrib_cabbage_01  F,V,	2:4	
;Ingred_golden_sedge_01  G,	5	
;Ingred_noble_sedge_01 	 G,	5	
;ingred_durzog_meat_01 	 M,	6	
;ingred_wolfsbane_01 	 G,	4	
;ingred_holly_01 	 F,	5	
;ingred_innocent_heart 	 M,	6	
;ingred_wolf_heart 	 M,	6


sorry for the abstract nature of them all but hey smart ppl will figure it out :)


if you wana right me feel free just no big attachments please :)


[email protected]


peace out and for those looking for a real expearence try this out (man tho it makes the game almost imposible to finish)


Da Wookiee

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great scripts..again..real great work Wookiee,and everyone who worked on it ( Theta,Daerk(?) i guess..)


the best thing i liked in it that you can tell the direction and strenght of the wind just by looking at the chimney smokes:)


not to mention the heat effects,the illneses etc:)


btw is the realistic falling damage included in that?so you can no longer slide down on the canton walls, steep mountain sides without serious damages etc..


thats a must for every mw player:)

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great scripts..again..real great work Wookiee,and everyone who worked on it ( Theta,Daerk(?) i guess..)


the best thing i liked in it that you can tell the direction and strenght of the wind just by looking at the chimney smokes:)


not to mention the heat effects,the illneses etc:)


btw is the realistic falling damage included in that?so you can no longer slide down on the canton walls, steep mountain sides without serious damages etc..


thats a must for every mw player:)


naa realistic falling damage had to manny hardware dependent bugs in it (low frame rate caused you to die) and if i eased back on it it could be a whole second befor your char died from the impact... and by that time exploits could be used in game to counter act the damage (eg speeding up again) but i think the scripts are in there just not activated


if not i may whack em in in future :)

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well when you start a new game most are explaind to you


but ok ill try and recap


Temperature Implimentation

Wind Direction and speed implimentation

Wind Chill affecting temperature dependent on cloathing and wind

chimney smoke moves with the wind

food requirements unique to the races (more sugary foods for the khajit more meat for nords ect)

temperature tolerances for races (nords imune to cold and dark elves resistant to heat)

food pyramid


thirst afected by temperature and exertion (hotter more Drink)

hunger affected by temperature and exertion (colder more food)

diseases derived from a bad diet (scurvy night blindness ect)

need for sleep

food and thirst consumption and temperature affected by the need to sleep

temperature affected by exertion

water temperature implementation in exterior cells only (couldent be assed implementing it for the beta)

fires and other heat sources give off heat and affect temperature

ice sapps heat

clothing affect the players personal heat (difernet cloathing diferent amounts)

a new menu system done through dialoge which alows for infinatly more intuative use and endlessly practical for world builders and scripters alike

Realistic efects of sudden increases and decreases in speed (disabled) [The SPLAT scripts] (Cant remember if there in there or not.


basicly everything is in there and it affects everything else as it does in the real world (to an extent) not every system operating independently of each other.


also metabolisem is calculated by stats ect tollerence ect so everything is dynamic


there is other stuff in there also but it is 3 am here and I am tierd been entertaining guests (layabout mates) for the last 8 hours.


oh and diferent efects depending on health levels


passing out implemented as well as stumbling from running while fatigued


sun stroke ect


(shade was not implemented in beta) sorry guys was to much dang work to attach shade emmitters to all the dang trees and such


regin bassed temperature changed by weather and time of day


Bleh and more stuff i think also.

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