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Ayleid Lindai Crown Idea


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So, I've had this idea floating around in my head for a while now, a couple of years actually. With not a lot of time to really look into modding myself or figuring out how to implement it, I thought I'd at least post it here.

Everyone knows the Secrets of the Ayleids quest. And how you can choose which crown to give to Umbacano to complete it. Only thing is, if you're playing a certain type of character then you obviously get shafted by choosing to give him the Lindai crown. Yes, you can use it to level up Armorer, but it's more cheaty than anything imo. So otherwise, there's little reason to choose anything but giving him the crown of Nenalata.

My idea is this. You give him the crown of Lindai as in vanilla, it gets "destroyed". Then, from there - you can take it to any place where a magical essence flows (Ayleid Wells, Magicka Fountains, etc) and "restore" it there. Too keep it from being too cheaty, I had the idea to use something like having three Varla stones in your inventory before you can restore it to its full power, where they're removed after. So basically, you take the broken crown up to one of the places, interact with it, and if you have the correct number of stones in your inventory then a choice dialogue pops up like so:

"The Crown of Lindai hums quietly in the presence of nearby magical energies. Do you wish to use three Varla stones to restore it to full power?"

Whereupon selecting yes, the old broken crown is removed and the functional crown with enchantments restored is placed back in your inventory.

Essentially, the idea is that since the crown itself was never physically destroyed, you're essentially "imbuing" it to restore its power.

Edited by Jathom95
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