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Strange Pluggy problem


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Hi folks. I have a weird problem. At 315 hours playing time, I got the animation bug, and used the fix OAF_v1_2 that resets a certain byte in the offending savegame and the animations worked again as expected.




As I have both Pluggy and OBSE active (usually) the next save is supposed to also have two cosaves, so each save has an .ess file, a .obse file and a .pluggy file. Three files altogether. However the .pluggy file doesn't get made!


This in turn clobbers any mod that requires the .pluggy file. One in particular, "Redecoration" fails. I use this a lot as i like moving stuff around in my houses. When I cast the spell on an object, it lights up as it should, and <enter> toggles between the object being locked or unlocked. But with the missing .pluggy file it can only lock, and no movement controls work at all.


I've tried reinstalling all involved files to no avail. Another problem with it is that frequently the game hangs, requiring the good old ctrl/alt/del solution, which is a pain. This seems to happen mostly if the last savegame is loaded, but autosave where available seems to work OK, and quicksave works fine. As a consequence to make any progress I have to do a quicksave after every action in order to keep up with my game progress, but I'm right in the $&%^*( if a quicksave fails, so I also do an ordinary save as well every few actions. But should the program crash and force a reload, It's best to load the quicksave. Trying to load the last ordinary save frequently causes the hang.


So, could someone out there with an understanding of how pluggy and OAF work and somehow interact destructively, purrrlease help me out as this problem is potentially a game breaker.

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When I use OAF to fix my save I always make a copy of the corresponding OBSE co-save and then rename that copy to match the OAF fixed file. If I run OAF on a save named MySave01.ess the fixed file will be called OAF_MySave01.ess, so I copy the co-save MySave01.obse and then rename that copy OAF_MySave01.obse. In your case you'll also create a copy of MySave01.pluggy and rename that OAF_MySave01.pluggy. The reason I rename a copy rather than the co-save itself is so I'll always have the original. I don't wait for the animation to get badly stuck ... as soon as I notice torches getting a bit wonky I run OAF.


On my original character I was a quicksaver like you. When researching similar problems to yours (the stuck animation as well as needing to quicksave constantly) I read that quicksave is a known corrupter of save files (a separate issue from the A-Bomb stuck animation problem). I changed my ways and after running OAF to fix the A-Bomb I started only using the save from the Esc menu (which I call manual saves) or the console command 'save <YourSaveName>' (without the quotes or brackets). It took a while but gradually that character's saves became stable.


My new guy has never suffered the 'quicksave abuse' and has never needed anything beyond an OAF fixing every now and then. I try to remember to save every hour or hour and a half (he uses named saves) and every few hours I save and exit to the desktop. If I want to continue playing I restart the game. Exiting to the desktop gives the game a chance to start out with a fresh memory with only assets required for that save loaded.


Both characters are well over 1000 hours (if I recall correctly the old guy is over 1500 hours ... been a while since I had him out for a run) and the only time I run into crashing problems are when I forget to exit and restart for more than a few hours (especially if I've been doing a lot of console commands resurrecting bandits etc).

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I forgot to mention one other thing ... never load a save without exiting to the desktop and restarting the game. Again, this gives the game a fresh memory to load the save data into.

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OK, I've done it, and it seems to be working. The acid test will be to see if mods dependent on p[luggy still work. My first impression is that Redecoration still behaves, and there is a pliuggy file in the saves. But will it do it twice? We'll see......



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Don't worry, you're on your way to recovery. Become a 'smart saver' (no more quicksaves) and run OAF every now and then. Oh ... and enjoy the game!

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Yes, it's working perfectly now. 99% stable. I did have one CTD, but it was nothing to do with this problem - which isn't a problem any more. Thank you so much for the help. I'd never have figured it out myself!

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