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Question about levelled items...

Guest deleted2027229

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Additionally, does the 25/50/75/100 suffix refer to % of obtaining? So in the clam example, the 75 actually means the 75% chance you have of getting a pearl?


If there is a 25% chance that no pearl of any kind will be found (the Chance None field) then you get a 75% chance of finding something. At level 9 that means using the vanilla list you have a 25% chance of finding an empty clam, and a 37.5% chance of finding a flawed pearl and a 37.5% chance of finding a pearl.


If I'm interpreting your change to the list correctly I get a 50% chance of finding an empty clam, a 16.67% chance of finding a flawed pearl, a 16.67% chance for a pearl and a 16.67% chance of finding a flawless pearl.


Populating a list will change depending on what you are trying to achieve ... no such thing as right or wrong, just different. Some different will lead where you hoped to go, another different will lead elsewhere.

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