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Alternate Reality...


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The greatest idea in landscape modding since, well, ever! An alternate reality! Using the "Extra" cell space in oblivion, we are going to re-create cyrodiil! every NPC and every building will be made by people like YOU! every dungeon will be custome made and every idea presented! We will make every town, and every civilion, every creature. Once the land space has been converted, you can start uploading your ideas.


It`s a brand new modding communaty, and every person will be invited. Although there will be some rules and limitations that may seem, odd, but remember, this is merely just a system of space maximization. we will add a sort of point economic system. (yes a little wierd) points will be added by people who like your work, (Equivelent to a RATING) except for the fact that certain amounts of space will cost a certain ammount of points. You can sell the land you buy to other players for their points. And every new member will be given a certain amount of points.


How to earn points:

100 Pts for joining

1 Pts x rating

10 pts per usage

Buying land, modding it, & reselling it for a higher price.

Town constrection.


A person`s land can only be modded by that person or people they invite, eliminating any possibilaty for land conflicts.




and their will be points awarded for good work and from recomendation.

Yes I know this is a wierd system, but hey, think of yourselves as pioneers for a new world!! This is OUR OBLIVION!!! This forum is just an announcment, and our site will go up ASAP. Help create this new world.


Any comments, suggestions, or people who want to join in advance!

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Build it and they will come...maybe. Sounds like you want to combine the concepts of the online game SecondLife with Oblivion. I'll pass but hey good luck anyway.
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I don't get it. So you are going to create a world space, that is an exact copy of Cyrodiil and mod it? How is this different from using the existing one we already have and modding it like mod makers are now? Or are you starting from a blank slate and creating a copy of Cyrodiil from it, but in the players vision. Is there quality control? What prevents someone from obtaining a lot of points and buying most of Bruma and making all the buildings large boobs with doors attached?


Unless you mean that this is just going to be a complete blank slate of a world space and people put whatever they want in the cells they control then everything is thrown together into a single mod. As in, there is no attempt to rebuild Cyrodiil itself, rather, it is just a equally massive place with a ton of player mods. Sounds interesting, in a second-life sense, but could be problematic. For instance, what prevents a cell owner from making a mountain 5 times the size of the Imperial Palace in their cell? The other cells next to it are sea level. Quality control problems again.

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to anwser some of your questions 1) it is an empty cyrodiil, their may be a rock here and their, but other than that it's empty. 2)every player will be able to add their own town/city to their land, 3) it's a players world, and your land is basically your own little place to add a town or a cave or a house, or a castle. the downloadable version will be monitured in an attempt to create some kind of order, everybody will get a certain ammount of space, think of it as a city of the people. The project is to create an ideal "Giant city" for the people. every person may or may not add a representative to their land. My question is, why did no one else add a land space to be completely modded. It is just a large modders resource, that to prevent conflct has been divided into squares. purchasable for making a good mod.
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