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absolutely ESSSENTIAL UI mod


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Alright, as I was playing fallout 3, I came by a certain weapon, "the reservist's rifle". I was excited for about a minute, until I looked at its stats, and realized it was Identical to the default rifle, except with a smaller clip. Curious, I checked the wiki, and whaddya know, this weapon was clearly better then the default. However, why on earth did I actually have to cheat to find out what the weapon I just got does? hence, my request, some sort of system that will allow me to view any weapons stats, range, accuracy, effects, crit damage and chance, durability, etc. right from the pipboy. Could someone please make this?
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that doesn't make it any lesser pain in the arse. I don't want to stop everything I'm doing in game, just to compare two different weapons. A mod like the one I'm hoping someone creates would prevent the need to save, quit the game, open up my browser (which at times can take a bit), find one weapon, find the weapon I would like to compare it to, keep switching between windows, making my decision, restarting the game. Its just really annoying.
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