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Forcing Companion Dismissal


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My current mod in progress involves a section where it is imperative that the player is alone (for purposes of storyline continuity and pathfinding). Is there a script command to tell all of the player's followers to 'go home'? If not, is there a way I can determine (probably through some sort of trigger) whether or not a player currently has followers/companions?



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Depending on other mods the variable to check if the player has followers is Followers.PlayerHasFollower. When set to 1 it means the player has a follower. Of course mods that let you have more than one follower may change this fact.
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Copied this from Jessi companion as it was the first thing that came to hand:


; Keep her out of Vault 87 - Fawkes will crash if not.
if ( player.getincell Vault87c && GetQuestRunning MQ08 && JessiHired == 1 )
	set JessiHired to 0
	set JessiFired to 1
	JessiREF.moveto RCHangarMarker
	ShowMessage FollowerMessageLeaveJessi


Using something similar to this should do what you want.

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That only helps if you wanted to only check for Jessi. Each follower has a ##Hired and ##Fired variable. The one variable that checks for ANY follower would be Followers.PlayerHasFollower.
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