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Unofficial Skyrim Patch page I read yesterday.


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I read the Unofficial Skyrim patch files text file.


It recommends that to remove STEAM folder from Program Files. Program Files, not Program Files (x86).


Also it said to make sure that it was at the top of the list in mods.

I downloaded the manual version this time. This is the page I read. It's in the Docs folder.


It is this one "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Readme + Credits.html"


I might have overlooked it before in the past, because of the part that says + Credits.html. That may be the reason my game CTDed as often. Thinking it was the list of people who helped make it. I sure won't ever again!


Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch: Readme

Version: 4.2.8

By the Unofficial Patch Project Team.


VERY Important information for using it.



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Your UAC treats Program Files and Program Files (x86) the same. The difference between the two is that in general Windows puts 32 bit programs in Program Files (x86) and 64 bit programs in Program Files. That has been recommended for the last ten years or so but it is nice to be reminded as those new to Steam might not know that.


Steam was installed in Program Files (x86) by default when I first created an account with it for FNV. You had to install Steam with Bethini in order to specify where to install Steam, if you installed it through the Steam site it was installed in Program Files (x86) automatically.

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