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Knock grenades back at the thrower


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So this idea came from a discussion in the mod discussion forums. Where we were talking about a mod that lets you catch and diffuse a grenade.


It made me think "Man! It's be awesome if you could smack that grenade with a swatta!"


Baseball bat, board, dunno about hammers or batons. But yeah... I thought it was a fun idea.

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That would resolve a whole lot of wayward baseball references.


It can be targeted in VATs already, so this makes perfect sense.

just make it an expansion of the Big Leagues perk. :woot:

Add minor bonuses if wearing keywords of baseball gear.


Course, with the glitchy physics you might just knock it "outta the park" for real!


Ultimately, once this is tackled Moe Cronin's interpretation of the rules can be realized in a settlement/VR session.

Got the bases, balls, mitts...

Then the old boring traditional version of major league baseball should be easy from there...


Somewhat related:

Just got myself a pool table replacer with working ball return.

(Having problems aiming the queue shot though).


a Proper (offensive) bowling shot animation would make sense too!

Edited by Blinxys
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