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Vampire console code?


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I've been searching all the posts in the Oblivion forums for the code, but can't find it. I thought it was something like "player.setvampirism25 1" but that didn't work.
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From http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Vampires


* Console Method One

o In order to become a vampire again through being infected with Porphyric Hemophilia simply type the following into the console, Set PCVampire to 0 and Set vampire.hasdisease to 0. Thereafter you will be able to become a vampire through any of the normal means within the game.


* Console Method Two

o Type in the following commands:


Set PCVampire to 2

Player.SetAV Vampirism 25


o This will automatically turn you into a 50% vampire, however, you will not be able to advance in vampirism or go back to 25% vampirism, and you will lack the Hunter's Sight ability as well. Theoretically, you could become a higher-up vampire by typing in 50 or 75 instead of 25 in the command, but this does not appear to work. Instead of entering 25, you can enter 1, and your player character will be at 25%.


* Console Method Three

o If you want to become a vampire after taking the cure vampirism potion, it is possible using console commands. This technique only works once.

+ Type coc testvampireinterior to be transported to the developer's vampirism testing area.

+ There are two similar tombstones in the room. First click the one that says "Click me to become a vampire!" then click the second "full vampire" stone.

+ Feed on the sleeping man and head out.

+ Return to Tamriel. One way to return is to go out to the main testing hall and use the door labeled "Hawkhaven" to get outside; standard fast-travel is then possible.


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