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Editing and saving weapons in NifSkope 2 dev 8


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I'm trying to remove the persistent smoke effect from the Crusader pistol with a pyro mod attached. Replacing the smoke effect texture didn't work. The game just seems to default to the one's in the main archive and ignore my replacements. (Does it generally ignore effect texture replacements? Is that just a limit to modding in F76?)


I can't edit the .nif file of the receiver (where the smoke effect is attached to) either, as it corrupts on saving. I've worked out that it's due to BSLightingShaderProperty entries. One entry on the last BSTriShape isn't a problem, but as soon as there are multiple, or any on a TriShape other than the bottom one, the file corrupts on saving with NifSkope. Did anyone figure out how to deal with this problem?


I've simply replaced the pyro receiver model with the default one to get rid of the effect, which works. But I'm curious if a more experienced modder knows how to deal with that BSLightingShaderProperty problem, so I might learn from that.

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