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A Less Tank More Cyborg T-51B


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I just got the T-51B on my new profile and I noticed just how bulkey and how tank like the armor is.

It looks great and everything but I hate how bulkey you are.


Yep its power armour and it ment to be bulkey and thickly armoured,

but I personaly would like a less tank like T-51B.


I was thinking something more cyborg like, like.



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Oh, and it could administer Med-X like the Medic Armor and administer Psycho using the same formula. it could administer Rad-X when you become exposed to 5 or more rads per sec. it could administer Rad Away just before you get Minor Radiation Poisoning. it should administer Stimpaks when your health reaches 30% or below. but it shouldn't talk. Talking should be an optional downloadable version.
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