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*sigh* Yet more GECK stupidity


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So there I am, doing my thing in the GECK, constantly on the edge of my seat just waiting for the next random crash, when I decide I need to enter orthographic view mode in order to do some navmeshing. So away I go, navmeshing to my heart's content and after a short while I've finished the section I wanted to get done. Excellent, thinks I, and switches back to regular perspective render view. At which point I'm swearing at the GECK's utter cunning in screwing up while running, catching me completely by surprise.


Anyway, since a picture is apparently worth a thousand words, I guess a video must be worth substantially more, so have a gander at this:



At 36 seconds in, you'll notice I switch back to perspective, at which point the screw up is pretty obvious. If anyone has a clue why this is happening I'll give them a mountain of cookies. Also, it's been doing this for a little while now, but never used to do it, so something somewhere has screwed up, but I'm damned if I know what or where. Thanks in advance :)


edit: ... interesting, for some reason the youtube tags aren't working. Direct link

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I've had this problem too for as long as I've used the GECK. I either don't use O-view or make sure I get everything done when I do in the knowledge that I'm going to have to restart the GECK when I'm done if I don't want to be annoyed by crazy shifting lighting.


Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but you're not alone!



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Yeah, that's what I'm doing at the moment, get everything done that needs to be done (and avoiding ortho view is a pain when placing meshes), then switch to ortho view to navmesh, close the GECK, re-open, and carry on with perspective view again.

Well, at least I know it's not just me :D

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  BadPenney said:


edit: ... interesting, for some reason the youtube tags aren't working. Direct link



It needs everything after the = sign, including the - sign you left out.


Sorry I can't help you with your main issue though. The GECK is a source of great fascination and irritation.


Hmm, the powers that be should make that clearer in the 'insert video' block in the new post screen then.




The example there only shows what I used, no mention of the '-'. *makes mental note to PM Dark0ne* Thanks for the headsup anyway, will be useful next time I need to post a vid (and given the GECK's penchant for doing dumb stuff, that's entirely likely not going to be too far away).


Pax - really? I find it's easiest in ortho view, perspective can get annoying quickly for me with navmeshing since it's fairly easy to get your tris under meshes that they're not meant to be under :) Luckily, navmeshing can be done in bulk at the end of a session creating or cluttering or whatever so it's not so bad having to shut the editor down and restart it after finishing (and let's be fair here, the GECK does get pretty screwy after a few hours so that restart is useful anyway heh). Speaking as someone coming from the Unreal engine, I'm used to working extensively in ortho view though, so it is kinda annoying not being able to use it much.

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