Divah_nordique Posted November 24, 2013 Share Posted November 24, 2013 HelloI'm French and I have sometimes difficulties to understand what is behind some abbreviations..I know common abbreviations like UNP NPC NMM HD.. but not TBBP BBB CHSBHC for example.. :sad:please, are there somewhere an glossary for abbreviations? thank you in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MostlyMuggie Posted November 24, 2013 Share Posted November 24, 2013 Just try googling the abbreviation with "Skyrim" after it. That should clear up anything you need to know. I don't think there is any glossary anywhere, although I could be wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeir Posted November 24, 2013 Share Posted November 24, 2013 I did post a glossary somewhere, but it seems to have disappeared. I'll type up a quick one now. In alphabetical order: 7B = 'SevenBase'. A female body mod.ADEC = 'AcDale's Eye Candy. A female body mod.AFT = 'Amazing Follower Tweaks'. A mod that changes follower behaviour and mechanics.BBP = 'Breast and Butt Physics'. Edited skeleton and animations to make the breasts and buttocks move. Variation: TBBP, 'Tender Breast and Butt Physics'. Oblivion and Fallout had BBB 'Better Bouncing Breasts'.BOSS = 'Better Oblivion Sorting Software'. A tool to sort the load order.CBBE - 'Caliente's Beautiful Body Edition' (formerly known as Caliente's Big Bottom Edition, a term that hasn't made sense in more than a year). A female body mod.CHSBHC = 'Cherry Hotaling's Super Busty H-Cup'. A female body mod.CK = 'Creation Kit'. Main modding tool for Skyrim.CNHF = 'Calyps and Nuska's Heroic Female'. A female body mod.CoT = 'Climates of Tamriel'. A weather and lighting overhaul.DCO = 'Dragon Combat Overhaul'. Erm...overhauls combat with dragons.ECE = 'Enhanced Character Edit'. Overhaul for the character creation screen.EEO = 'Ethereal Elven Overhaul'. Like ECE, but for elves. Also affects NPCs.NMM = 'Nexus Mod Manager'. A mod managing/installing/uninstalling tool.SFO = 'Skyrim Flora Overhaul'. Retextures and remeshes the flora in Skyrim.SKSE = 'Skyrim Script Extender'. Changes the way Skyrim deals with scripts, allowing the game to do things that wouldn't be possible without it.SMIM = 'Static Mesh Improvement Mod'. Fixes and/or improves the meshes and some textures of various things in the game.SoS = 'Sounds of Skyrim'. A sound overhaul that brings more ambient sounds to the game. Not to be confused with SoS (Schlongs of Skyrim) which animates the male genitalia. Be aware of context.TES5Edit = 'The Elder Scrolls 5 Editor'. A tool for mod cleaning and editing. UFO = 'Ultimate Follower Overhaul'. A seemingly abandoned mod that changes follower behaviour and mechanics.USKP = 'Unofficial Skyrim Patch'. Patches the bugs BethSoft didn't. Also: UDGP, UDBP, UHFP for Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthfire, respectively.UNP = 'UNPretended'. A female body mod. Variations: UNPB (UNP Blessed), UNPC (UNP Curvy) etc.WATER = 'Water And Terrain Enhancement Redux'. Water overhaul mod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UhuruNUru Posted April 26, 2014 Share Posted April 26, 2014 There are a few I've found All Bethesda GamesCommon Acronyms - Nexus Wiki Just the Skyrim and General section Here the Link has the full Page Common Acronyms SkyrimSKSE: Skryim Script ExtenderASIS: Automatic Spells, Increased Spawns (successor to PISE)ASOIAF: A Song of Ice and Fire (stuff based on George R. R. Martin's ASOIAF books, for example, ASOIAF Races)AttT: Armed to the Teeth *Skyrim*BBP: Breast and Butt Physics (Animation) *Skyrim*DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back *skyrim*CBBE : Caliente's Bigger Bottoms Edition *skyrim* ---caution: large breasts---CHSBHC : Cherry Hotling's Super Busty H Cup (female body mod) *skyrim* ---Caution: massive breasts---FXAA: Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing; in regards to Skyrim, it usually refers to the FXAA Post-Process Injector modUFO: Ultimate Follower OverhaulMTOH: My Type Of Hair *skyrim*PISE: Pluto's Improved Skyrim Experience (deprecated; use ASIS)SkyMoMod: Skyrim Monster ModSOS or SoS: Sounds of SkyrimUNP: DIMONIZED "unpretend" female body *skyrim*UNPB: DIMONIZED "Unpretend blessed" female body *skyrim*TSAG: Teals03 Stacked Against Gravity (Armor/Clothing) *Skyrim* --caution: massive breasts---USKP: Unofficial Skyrim PatchWATER: Water And Terrain Enhancement ReduxWIC or WiC: Winter Is Coming (another ASOIAF reference, for example, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks)MCM - "Mod Configuration Menu" for Fallout: New Vegas and SkyrimGeneralAA: antialiasing; general computer-graphics termBAIN: I think it's BAsh INstaller; mod package installer built into Wrye BashBOSS - Better Oblivion Sorting Software, which is amusing now that it handles several games other than Oblivion.CTD: Crash to DesktopDIY: Do It YourselfDLC: Downloadable ContentESP, ESM, and BSA: not always acronyms; usually file types .esp, .esm, and .bsaHD: High Definition (Graphics) *Any game*HQ: High Quality (Graphics) *Any game*LOD: level of detail (usually not Lod, the Falkreath blacksmith)NPC : Non Playable Character *any game ever made* ( I would assume anybody would know the meaning of that one but that would make me a hypocrite)MSAA: multisample anti-aliasingNSFW : Not Suitable For Work *all games*OP: overpowered, another common gaming term; not be confused with "original post"PM : Private Message (Internet Communication) *Teh Interwebs* :cool:RTFM - General internet acronym meaning "read the f***ing manual".NMM: Nexus Mod ManagerSVN: subversion file (as in software versions) TES: The Elder Scrolls (TESI is Arena, TESII is Daggerfall, TESIII is Morrowind, TESIV is Oblivion, TESV is Skyrim)TCG: Tradable Companion Gear (it's not just for Trading Card Games anymore!)WB: Wrye Bash (also "Wrye Smash" for Skyrim; "Bash" was for OBlivion and "Mash" was for Morrowind)VWD: Visible While Distant (also includes AEVWD and RAEVWD)YMMV - General internet acronym meaning "your mileage may vary".WIP: Work In Progress (not finished) *Any game*UnsortedADEC: Acdale EyeCandy BodyAOF: An Old Friend, a mod author; he does more than hair modsAWLS: Animated Window Lighting SystemENB - Enhanced Natural Beauty (graphics)EVE: Eyecandy Variants ExpansionRLWC: Realistic Lighting With Customization; sometimes just RLSLoD: Silly Level of Detail - Potions and PoisonsVHH: Victorias High Heel walk AnimationUOMP: Unofficial Official Mods Patch Oblivion (Many apply to all games)Tes4Mod:Acronyms - UESPWiki This is a Table which will cut and paste perfectly when making post but all the Formatting disappears on Posting, leaving a huge single sentence mess. So just the link left here Then made here on Nexus but also for All Bethesda GamesMod Acronyms - WTF? - Feedback, Suggestions and Questions - The Nexus Forums Ok let's pretend like I'm a total Noob for a sec, in fact lets not pretend. I'm seeing all kinds of Acronyms for mods terminology that I have no clue what it means, and I can't be the only one because that would be statistically illogical. Now I've been typing all kinds of Acronyms into the respective nexus search engines only to come up with mods that use the acronym in the description of their own mod with out telling what the Acronym stands for. Now this bugs the hell out of me, that's like explaining to a child how the inner working of the government works without telling him what the technical terminology means and assuming that he knows what you mean... and assuming is bad. So Here's a list of a few common Acronyms I found in my wnadering of the nexus' and I thought I'd share them with you. I'll be checking back regularly and updating the OP (original post) *<--- see? that was easy right?* to match anyone who feels obliged to help others around them to better understand the wonder that is the NEXUS network.*edit* an idea came up after reading through some of the responces, thanks guys/girls, I'll start putting the Unknown ones at the top so they're more likely to get answered.*edit 2*Now Alphbetized (good call Tetradite). That said I give you the list so far:*edit 3* Thank you all for your contributions to "The List." The only hting i can think of that could make this better is if we knew which games these went to, if they have specific games.*edit 4* M'a Boy! <--- This piece is what all true warriors strive for. Get it? Link? (whop whop)UNKOWN ACRONYMSEBE: ????FH : ???? (hair mod) *new vegas* (My Edit: "Fallout Hair" is the obvious guess, but If that was the right answer, I'd expect it to have been entered as such)UHKU: (also HUHKU, XLHUHKU, HXLHUHKU) ????KNOWN ACRONYMSAA: antialiasing; general computer-graphics termAA - Apocalypse Armory (Fallout 3)ADAM - A Definate Armor Mod (New Vegas)ADEC: Acdale EyeCandy BodyAEV - Armored Escaping Venture (Fallout 3/New Vegas)aHUD - Adjustable HUD (Fallout 3/New Vegas)AII - ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated (Fallout 3/New Vegas/Oblivion)AOF: An Old Friend, a mod author; he does more than hair modsASIS: Automatic Spells, Increased Spawns (successor to PISE)ASOIAF: A Song of Ice and Fire (stuff based on George R. R. Martin's ASOIAF books, for example, ASOIAF Races)AttT: Armed to the Teeth *Skyrim*AVP - Apocalypse Variety Project (New Vegas)AWLS: Animated Window Lighting SystemBAIN: I think it's BAsh INstaller; mod package installer built into Wrye BashBAB: Biu's Adventuress Body for OblivionBBB: Better Bouncing Boobs for OblivionBBP: Breast and Butt Physics (Animation) *Skyrim*BDM: Bloated Double Melons Warning: Beyond Massive breasts...seriously *Oblivion*BOSS - Better Oblivion Sorting Software, which is amusing now that it handles several games other than Oblivion.CALIBR - "Community Ammunition Library" for Fallout 3.CASE: Community ammunition system enhancement (Ammo Mod) *New Vegas* http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43915CASM - Cipscis Automatic Save Manager (Fallout 3/ New Vegas)CBBE : Caliente's Bigger Bottoms Edition *skyrim* ---caution: large breasts---CFW - Classic Fallout Weapons BETA (Fallout 3/New Vegas)CHSBHC : Cherry Hotling's Super Busty H Cup (female body mod) *skyrim* ---Caution: massive breasts---CM: Cutthroat Mods for OblivionCNR - Caesars New Regime *New Vegas*COBL: Common OblivionCOCOA - Companion Commander (Fallout 3)CRAFT - "Community Resource to Allow Fanmade Tinkering" for Fallout 3.CTD: Crash to DesktopDIY: Do It YourselfDLC: Downloadable ContentDM : Dead Money (add-on) *new vegas*DMRA: Double Melons Round Ass *Oblivion* ---Caution Large Breasts---DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back *skyrim*DUI - "DarNified UI", an interface mod for Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout: New Vegas.EDG3K: Modder's nameENB - Enhanced Natural Beauty (graphics)ESP, ESM, and BSA: not always acronyms; usually file types .esp, .esm, and .bsaEVE - "Energy Visuals Enhanced" for Fallout 3 and its Fallout: New Vegas equivalent "Essential Visual Enhancements".EVE: Eyecandy Variants ExpansionEWE - Energy Weapons Enhanced (Fallout 3)FACE - Fallout Appearance Compilation Expansion (Fallout 3)FCOM: Francesco + WarCry + Oscuro + Martigen, a set of tools and processes to install several of the most popular Oblivion mod packages in the recommended orderFEM - Female Enhancement Mod (Fallout 3)FO3: Fallout 3FOIP - Fallout Interoperability Program (Fallout 3)FOMM - Fallout Mod Manager.FOMOD - Fallout Mod Manager packageFONV - Fallout New Vegas (alternate to NV)FOOK - "Fallout Overhaul Kit" for Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. Always referred to as FOOK.FWE - "Fallout Wanderers Edition" for Fallout 3.FXAA: Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing; in regards to Skyrim, it usually refers to the FXAA Post-Process Injector modGECK - Garden of Eden Creation Kit, official software for modding Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.GFWL Disabler - Games for Windows Live Disabler (Fallout 3)GUTS: "A very muscular/bulky body featuring H-Cups and a really large lower body." (Body Mod) *Oblivion* Warning--- Massive Breasts---HGEC - "Hentai Gentleman's Eye Candy Body" for Oblivion.HD: High Definition (Graphics) *Any game*HH : Honest Hearts (add-on) *new vegas*HQ: High Quality (Graphics) *Any game*iHUD - Immersive HUD (Fallout 3/New Vegas)IMCN - Imps More Complex NeedsIWS - Increased Wasteland Spawns (New Vegas)JoO: JackoO (Modder)KVDS = Ken'Vigard Development StudiosKotN: Knights of the Nine, an Oblivion expansion packLOD: level of detail (usually not Lod, the Falkreath blacksmith)LR : Lonesome Road (add-on) *new vegas*MGE: Morrowind Graphics ExtenderMM - Mission Mojave (mod similar to an 'unofficial patch', comes in modules that correct errors, attempt to reduce CTDs etcetera)MMM - "Martigan's Monster Mod" for Oblivion or "Mart's Mutant Mod" for Fallout 3.MMUE - Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition (full version of Mission Mojave, all modules condensed into one file)MOBS: Medieval Oblivion Equipment Balance SystemMoM or MOM: Mystery of Mausoleum *Oblivion*MPM - More Perks Mod (New Vegas)MSAA: multisample anti-aliasingMTOH: My Type Of Hair *skyrim*MUW - My Utility World (Fallout 3)MUW - Moddable Unique Weapons (New Vegas)MZC _ Mothership Zeta Crew *Fallout 3*NPC : Non Playable Character *any game ever made* ( I would assume anybody would know the meaning of that one but that would make me a hypocrit)NSFW : Not Suitable For Work *all games*NV : New Vegas *new vegas*NVEC - New Vegas Error CorrectionsNVR - New Vegas Restoration (New Vegas)NVSE: New Vegas Script ExtenderOBGE: Oblivion Graphics ExtenderOBMM - Oblivion Mod Manager.OMFG - Ongoing Modification of Firearms and Guns (Fallout 3)OMOD: Oblivion Mod Manager packageOOO: Oscuros Oblivion OverhaulOP: overpowered, another common gaming term; not be cofused with "original post"OWB : Old World Blues (add-on) *new vegas*pHUD - Primary Needs HUD (New Vegas)PISE: Pluto's Improved Skyrim Experience (deprecated; use ASIS)PM : Private Message (Internet Communication) *Teh Interwebs* :cool:PN - Project Nevada (Fallout New Vegas equivalent of FWE)RAIAR: mod authorRF = Robert's female body (Oblivion)RLWC: Realistic Lighting With Customization; sometimes just RLRM = Robert's male body (Oblivion)RTFM - General internet acronym meaning "read the f***ing manual".RTS - In the wider world, this is an acronym for the Real-Time Strategy genre of games. The name of the mod "Real Time Settler" for Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas is a play on those words.SI: Shivering Isles, an Oblivion expansion packSKSE: Skryim Script ExtenderSkyMoMod: Skyrim Monster ModSLoD: Silly Level of Detail - Potions and PoisonsSOS or SoS: Sounds of SkyrimSTEP: Skyrim Total Enhancement Project for SkyrimSVN: subversion file (as in software versions)T3 : Type 3 (body mods) *New Vegas*T6M : type 6 mod (Body mod) *new vegas*TCG: Tradable Companion Gear (it's not just for Trading Card Games anymore!)TES: The Elder Scrolls (TESI is Arena, TESII is Daggerfall, TESIII is Morrowind, TESIV is Oblivion, TESV is Skyrim)TFF: Team Fantasy Figures body replacer for OblvionTGND..The Girl Next Door..body replacer (oblivion)TSAG: Teals03 Stacked Against Gravity (Armor/Clothing) *Skyrim* --caution: massive breasts---UFF: Unofficial Fantasy Figures for OblivionUFO: Ultimate Follower OverhaulUF3P - Unoficial Fallout 3 Patch (Fallout 3)UNP: DIMONIZED "unpretend" female body *skyrim*UNPB: DIMONIZED "Unpretend blessed" female body *skyrim*UOMP: Unofficial Official Mods PatchUOP: Unofficial Oblivion PatchUPP - Ultimate Perk Pack (Fallout 3)USIP: Unofficial Shivering Isles PatchUSKP: Unofficial Skyrim PatchVHH: Victorias High Heel walk AnimationVWD: Visible While Distant (also includes AEVWD and RAEVWD)WATER: Water And Terrain Enhancement ReduxWB: Wrye Bash (also "Wrye Smash" for Skyrim; "Bash" was for OBlivion and "Mash" was for Morrowind)WIC or WiC: Winter Is Coming (another ASOIAF reference, for example, Winter Is Coming - Cloaks)WIP: Work In Progress (not finished) *Any game*WME - Weapon Mod Expansion *New Vegas*WMK - "Weapon Mod Kits" for Fallout 3.WMX - Weapon Mods Expanded *New Vegas*WRP - Weapon Retexture Project (New Vegas)XFO - "Xodarap's Fallout Overhaul" for Fallout: New Vegas.YMMV - General internet acronym meaning "your mileage may vary".• The Nexus Forum One is the most useful for Skyrim but the post quoted below is the best way to find the answer even if on here as the first reply pointed out CBBE has updated for Modern Nexus or "Gone Politically Correct". Things can change. Mods change their Name sometimesJust try googling the abbreviation with "Skyrim" after it. That should clear up anything you need to know. I don't think there is any glossary anywhere, although I could be wrong. One change for the better is the death of BOSS though it was a very good tool and provided very good service for years it always relied on manual updates to the master list, these were done by only 5 or 6 people with just 20 in total since Skyrim's release.They could not keep up and many mods were missing from the master list for many months and every update toi a mod required a new entry for that version.So an Automatic Load Order Tool has replaced BOSS made by the BOSS Team. It still has a Master List for the 1% of awkward mods that are exceptions to the general rules but for 99% of your mods the new Tool will sort them correctly from the moment they are released.So the 2 most important acronym you should know is missing from all these lists LOOT (Load Order Optimisation Tool) Even Better the new Mod Organizer has LOOT built in to it replacing BOSS as the built in Tool !!!MO (Mod Organizer) v1·2·0 by Tannin [25th April 2014] 39-Utilities-1334The best Mod Manager out there makes NMM (Jack of all Mods but Master of None) look as poor as it really is. I saw a user post it will be great when it gets profiles, MO has had profiles since Skyrim started, NMM is trying to copy MO's System by replacing it's Virtual Data Folder with Symbolic Links. An inferior method required to try and apply it to many games engines.Putting it SimplyMore Games / Game Engines = Less Features as only All Game features are applied (don't use Bethesda games to test this look at new games added since mod all games was announced).I want the best manager for each game I mod.Skyrim=MO,Dragon Age: Origins=DAO Mod ManagerI don't need a long list the point is I choose per game for features available for that game, DAO Mod Manager is a very simple Manager and NMM can't even match its features. Every single game I mod has a dedicated Manager (or many) and all are better than NMM (Dont include Steam Workshop as a manager, it's just a downloader, Skyrim's built in game system does the managing part).Last major advantage for MO against WB (Wrye Bash) is the Profile system (Multi-Character) of WB is Backup entire Data Folder for each Profile (Time consuming and Large SSD space used) MO installs a Mod iun a separate folder outside of Data Folder and does it once only. The profile is a simple Text file that just lists the mod folders that profile uses, switching profiles is very fast as no files are ever moved. The Data folder remains untouched and vanilla game only. A virtual Data Folder is created from the required elements.The biggest benefit is we all know modding can mess up the game requiring a reinstall of everything with MO the Virtual Data Folder is messed up which means a simple restart fixes it as new. Advertising MO over with. Hope this helps and Get MO and you Get LOOTbut however you do itGet LOOTIt makes BOSS look bad and BOSS is not bad, LOOT is just that much better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Divah_nordique Posted March 8, 2017 Author Share Posted March 8, 2017 It's never to late to say : THANK YOU :wub: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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