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Mods not working (even if active)


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Good day friends,

I have this silly problem I can't get rid off. Some of the mods I have installed doesn't work.

Exemple: I have the mod "Cloaks of Skyrim" installed and activated (checked and double checked tons of times) but still, there is no sign of cloaks in game, I can't craft them, nor I can craft the needed book...just like there were no mod at all.

Same with another mod, "Skyrim unique treasures": the mod is normally installed via NMM (I even tried to install it manually) and even if the box is cheked, still there is no sign of the mod when I play. Same happens with differents mod. Useless to say I've already tried to uninstall and re-install all of those mods.

Weird is, other mods works normally: a paladin armor set, a mod for hairs, and other as well works great without problems.

Im using the latest version of Skyrim Legendary Edition (so with the three expansion set normally working).

I tried using BOSS to set a good load order but sort no effects. BOSS finds no error whatsoever in the mods.

Any idea what is going on?



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