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[FO3 mod idea] Riding Creatures


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The Wastelanders have finally succeeded in taming wild Wasteland creatures, and use them not just as mules, but as personal rides!


Like Oblivion where you can ride horses, I figured maybe someone can make a mod where it lets u tame creatures like Brahmin, Yao Guai, or even Deathclaws (although you'd need to deal with the spines on their backs somehow) so that you can ride them like horses. Perhaps you'd get a device

like the Deathclaw scrambler

(that can be bought from merchants at a high price or whatever) that lets u tame these creatures, with a certain probability of success. This probability of success could be affected by the animal friend perk (not having the perk: low probability of success; level 1 of the perk: medium probability of success; level 2 of the perk: high probability of success).


If you ride creatures like Yao Guai or Giant Radscorpions, they cannot attack as long as you are riding them. Once you dismount though, they can help you fight your enemies. This can also open up the chance to make armors or maybe weapons for these creatures. You may be able to shoot while riding your creature, but your accuracy may be reduced due to the "bumpy ride."


You will also need to feed your ride periodically, so there's an excuse to use the crap that you find in the refrigerators (which I never use) XD


Personally I have no modding skill whatsoever, so hopefully someone may be able to make it someday :biggrin:


:thanks: :thanks:

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It has been done. Here's the link: Rideable Creatures

You can even ride Ant Queens and Centaurs. Not sure about Deathclaws though, but the basics are still there.

Remember, search button is your friend..


lol thanks there but that isnt quite what I had in mind.. that does not look like riding, he looks like he's standing on the ant, whereas in Oblivion you can actually mount and dismount from horses and it actually looks like riding

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