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Distraction Spell or Power


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"A distraction planned or otherwise is a thief's greatest ally"


I saw this on one of the lore loading screens and thought how great it would be if when sneaking, and enemies started to look for you ... you could toss some pebbles, cast a spell, concentrate real hard... whatever to cause the guards to "look for you" in the opposite direction... this would allow you to sneak past many enemies unnoticed or perhaps give you a better chance at a sneak kill.


I did a cursory search of the nexus and found nothing like this, though I will admit I did not do an exhaustive search of spells and think this might be better as a "power" that didn't require manna if anyone knows of a mod that does this I would be happy with a link otherwise if one of you talented and motivated people would like to make it I'd be appreciative.

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This mod includes a bunch of stealth related tools. One of which is the noisemaker arrows. When fired, it will make a little fire cracker type effect where it lands and NPCs will go and investigate.


The mod also adds lots of other features like knocking out targets, ropes, putting out lights, and more. I hope this helped!

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Also, they'll follow the sound of an arrow so long as you haven't actually shot them yet. Once they've been shot or hit, they know your general location and will ignore any more arrow impacts. So, even in the base game, there's a way to distract them. But yeah, definitely check out Sneak Tools. It's my thief's favorite mod :)

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